Will seek a solution to the conflict of laws /

by times news cr

Is the Saeima Health Subcommittee going to respond to the recent outbreak of diphtheria in one family of vaccine skeptics, which led to the death of a little boy, and start a discussion, maybe even about the fact that parents should be denied this choice – to vaccinate or not to vaccinate their children?

Yes, that’s right, we are currently planning to do it at the October 15 meeting. And it will not be the case that we will talk to ourselves, lawyers, patient rights defenders, infectious disease experts will be invited. The current legislation is more oriented towards the rights of patients, because on the one hand it is said that we have mandatory vaccination against these serious infections, at the same time there is a reservation that parents can refuse to vaccinate their children for religious or other reasons. [Ministru kabineta Vakcinācijas noteikumi, kas noteic, ka bērni ir obligāti vakcinējami pret tuberkulozi, difteriju, stingumkrampjiem, garo klepu, poliomielītu, masalām, masaliņām, epidēmisko parotītu, b tipa Haemophilus influenzae infekciju, B hepatītu, vējbakām, pneimokoku infekciju, rotavīrusu infekciju, cilvēka papilomas vīrusa infekciju. Tajos pašos Vakcinācijas noteikumos ir atrunātas vakcinējamās personas vai pacienta likumiskā pārstāvja tiesības atteikties no vakcinācijas, klātienē parakstot atteikuma veidlapu, bet ārstniecības personai ir pienākums gan pirms, gan pēc atteikuma parakstīšanas censties pārliecināt par pretējo, izskaidrojot vakcinācijas nozīmi un vakcīnu drošumu, – red.]

If the legislator, after discussions, agrees to take away or narrow this currently valid right of parents to decide on the vaccination of their children, it is clear to you, who as a family doctor knows this system from the inside – not only from how it should be, but how it is in reality – how to implement such changes in life? Of the repressive methods of preventing a child with diphtheria from being removed from the hospital by stopping the treatment, we have just become convinced. It works in our country, from the police to the orphans’ court, and very quickly, but how can we realistically ensure that an infant or later a seven-year-old or 14-year-old teenager is adopted if the parents are against it?

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2024-09-26 11:22:06

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