Will Smith produces a series on the massacre of Israeli athletes in Munich

by time news

Actor Will Smith will produce a docu-drama series that will deal with the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, called “Munich 72”.

The three-episode series will combine archival footage and remade scenes. Anat Waxman will play the then Prime Minister, Golda Meir. Nati Ravitz will play Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, and Uri Pepper will step into the shoes of the head of the Mossad in those days, Uri Zamir. Olympic judoka Sagi Muki will also play in the series and will play the character of the Israeli weightlifting champion, Yosef Romano, who was killed in the terrorist attack on the Olympic village. The series will be directed by Roman Shmonov, who directed the acclaimed historical drama series “Chernobyl”.

Will play the late Yosef Romano. Sagi Muki,

The series will be produced by the German television company “Telepool”, which belongs to the couple Will and Jada Smith, together with “Hot 8” and the production company “Tadmor Entertainment”.

According to HOT, the series will reveal for the first time confidential protocols of the German government that dealt with the famous terrorist incident, as well as photos from the Olympic village in Munich that have not been seen before. “Munich 72” is currently being filmed in Israel and Germany, and is expected to air in September 2022.

The massacre of athletes at the Munich Olympics took place in September 1972 when terrorists from the Palestinian terrorist organization “Black September” murdered 11 members of the Israeli Olympic delegation. The case is considered one of the most famous terrorist acts in history.

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