Will the number of ministers change? Answer to the question asked by President Erdogan

by time news

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan answers questions from Ahmet Hakan, Hande Fırat, Abdulkadir Selvi and Zafer Şahin about the agenda in the joint broadcast of Kanal D and CNN Türk, moderated by Fulya Kalfa.

Responding to the allegations that “the number of ministers may increase,” Erdogan said, “When we say CHP, one for you, one for you, he promised everyone the vice presidency. This business is being carried out with the vice president. When I took over, there were 36 ministers, we reduced it to 17 or even 15. We are carrying out the work smoothly with 17 ministers. They make an offer to us, if we make this institution a ministry? Is that institution running institutionally now? Why will you turn it into a ministry? “They go further, they say, “We should tie you up. Don’t they all depend on me anyway? They’re looking for ways to waste,” he said.

Highlights from Erdogan’s statements;

“First of all, the most important topic of our day. The disaster of the century is a milestone for us. We have stated this before. I wish God’s mercy on my citizens who lost their lives. I wish healing to our wounded. It is imperative that we take decisive steps. Before coming to power, we put the topics of education and health one after the other. We have become an exemplary country with our city hospitals. We need to take stronger steps. We need to place our citizens in the earthquake zone in solid houses. I have always opposed vertical architecture. I have always defended horizontal architecture. Now our citizens have come to accept our thesis. The number of houses we started to build has reached 100 thousand. We will complete 359 thousand houses in 1 year. We will complete some of them by the feast. Our state has proven its thesis of delivering the houses within 50-60 days in Van, Bingöl, İzmir, Antalya, Elazığ, Muğla and the Black Sea. We are the power that has proven it. we do.

We launched the Turkish National Risk Shield model. We accept our new roadmap for the upcoming works. We cooperated with universities. The first meeting was held in Istanbul, and the second and third meetings were held by my Minister of Environment and Urbanization. Not easy. We must be prepared for disasters. You didn’t know the ground plus 3 4. It will also become safer with the light materials used. We started the risk study of buildings built before 99. Unhealthy building stock will be eliminated. New settlements will be identified. Controls will be tightened. Istanbul has a special importance here. We mapped out all risk factors in 39 districts. There are 1.2 million buildings in Istanbul. A total of 220 thousand buildings and 1.5 million independent sections are at risk in Istanbul. Of these, 300,000 need to be converted urgently.

My citizens must believe in their state. The opposition should not be deceived by the rent-based transformation programs, not the urban transformation. I live in Burhaniye. We started urban transformation in that environment. Those who accepted our invitation had their buildings demolished. We paid their rent. We said, ‘After you build your houses, you will return here’. Those who trust us are satisfied. Prices increased 5 to 1, 10 to 1. They blocked my way a month ago. They said, ‘Come demolish ours too. If you had done it when we told you to, your buildings would have been built too. We made the necessary instructions. The works have begun. What was Mr. Kemal saying? He destroyed our buildings overlooking the Bosphorus. If you ask, they don’t know where Küplüce, Burhaniye or Ferah are. Right now, everyone is happy with their buildings. He who sees the buildings says I wish I could be here. Landscape afforestation works continue. It will be magnificent when finished. The same situation happened in the common place of Kadıköy and Üsküdar. Since there was no harmonization with Kadıköy Municipality, it was not settled. Finally they accepted. It was started there. It was undertaken by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. It will be magnificent there.

Reserve places will emerge with Kanal Istanbul. Housing construction will begin there. We will include those who accept urban transformation from there. We will work on Zoning Amnesty in the new period. The catalog will take its place in the crimes. There is no forgiveness for this matter. In my mayorship, I said visa to enter Istanbul. They do not know the world. This is practiced in London. It is subject to a visa, subject to a certain fee. Now Istanbul has reached 16 million. Those who said this at that time did not know what urbanism is, what immigration is. Our claims that day brought justification. If what we said at that time had been respected, our plans would have been stronger. Not everyone would be able to enter comfortably, as they were subject to a visa. Now that it is not so, everyone comes and enters. There is also illegal construction. He also threatens. Soil studies are not done. Or those who do are making a profit on vertical architecture. The reserve city, by transferring the present from one place to another, making ground analyzes of that present and intervening there. Hunters aren’t really solid ground. It’s a threatening ground. Dangerous places towards Beylikdüzü. Places close to the sea are troubled places. By making ground surveys, structuring was carried out and urban transformation was carried out. Population dilution is necessary. If we do that, we’ll secure ourselves.”

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