Will the price of fuel drop below NIS 5? The experts prepare the ground

by time news

According to the estimates of economic and political experts in Europe, Europe’s dependence on Russian gas is coming to an end, and thus the fears of a lack of energy may subside for the approaching winter. As we recently reported, Russia has significantly reduced the transfer of gas to European countries and even stopped it completely vis-a-vis Germany and France.

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Russia excuses the cessation of activity by saying that it has a shortage of equipment due to the sanctions, and therefore the handling of the pipelines is also delayed. At the same time, the experts say that although Europe is facing a harsh winter and a difficult economic period, in the end the result will be a more independent Europe.

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On the other hand, they say, Russia’s bargaining chip in the form of energy will become meaningless as a result. They believe that Russia is aware of this problem and that is why it is cutting the supply already – it is trying to do damage while it can.

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