“Will Vox and the PP applaud the reform of ‘only yes is yes'”?

by time news

The spokesman for United We Can in Congress, Pablo Echeniquehas addressed his socialist partners to ask them if on Tuesday, when the consideration of the PSOE reform to the law of only yes is yes goes ahead, they will add their applause “to those of the PP and those of the fetal heartbeat “.

“What is the PSOE going to do? Echenique has insisted at the presentation of his book “Memories of a combat pilot”, urging the Socialists to avoid it with a consensual agreement with Equality. In this sense, and along the same lines , the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has said that “you can say that you are the most feminist party, but if on Tuesday you are going to vote on the reform of the law of the only yes it is yes, to return to the Penal Code of the herd, with PP and Vox they are giving you a pig for a poke”.

An agreement that no longer seems foreseeable because the Socialists have not met the last meeting request requested by the Ministry directed by Irene Montero.

Echenique has pointed out that if he has learned anything in these years in politics “it is that when the media right infects the media progressives, the PSOE’s legs tremble and we end up in places that we should not end up”, as he believes will happen on Tuesday if there is no a change in their partners.

United We Can has already announced that it will vote against the consideration of this socialist initiative if there is no agreement that puts consent back at the center of the Penal Code

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