will we have to work to reach it in 2023?

by time news

RSA. The payment of conditional active solidarity income could be generalized from 2023. For the time being, tests are being carried out in 10 French departments.

[Mis à jour le 23 septembre 2022 à 10h27] Has the government found the miracle solution to achieve full employment? With a potential in-depth reform, opinions are already beginning to differ regarding the payment of the RSA under conditions. In other words, the executive plans to condition the payment of the active solidarity income to training of 10 to 20 hours per week on the part of the beneficiaries. The measure could come into force as early as 2023, after a series of tests in 10 departments which begin this fall. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, for example, the measure will be tested on 1,000 volunteers from January 2023. The salaries resulting from the activity practiced by the beneficiaries of the RSA can be combined with the RSA for 9 months. The Somme, Essonne, Ardèche, Creuse and Vaucluse are also concerned by this test phase. On the program, workshops for creating CVs, training, in companies or in a community. In each department selected for this test, RSA recipients will be monitored by referents using common software. Regarding the hourly volume, it may vary from one department to another, in the same way as the level of sanction in the event of absence. The government’s objective is to improve support for returning to work, and to move towards full employment, one of the key objectives of the President of the Republic during his re-election.

As a reminder, on September 5, the first payment of the RSA took place, accompanied by the4% increase ! Indeed, the revaluation of the RSA voted this summer and put in place by the government had its great beginnings on Monday, September 5, 2022, within the framework of the purchasing power law and the increase in social minima. In other words, an RSA recipient alone now benefits from the sum of 598,55 eurosagainst 575.52 previously, i.e. a revaluation of 23 euros nets. A single person with two children will pocket an additional 40 euros. For a couple without dependent children, the gain will be 34 euros. Remember that a retroactive effect will be applied from July 1, as desired by the executive. But beware, it is possible that you still have not recorded this increase of 4%. In reality, not all recipients receive it at the same time. The declaration of income for the RSA is quarterly, the payment will therefore depend on your last declaration, two months may pass between the first payment and the last. Here are the dates to tick on your diary, i.e. the three dates for payment of the RSA revalued by 4% according to your declarative situation:

  • September 5 : Tax declarations in May, June and July
  • October 5 : Tax returns in June, July and August
  • November 5th : Income tax returns in April, May and June

The active solidarity income (RSA) represents a minimum income for people who do not work. It is a social and professional support system to facilitate access to employment or consolidate certain professional capacities when one does not draw, or few resources from his activity. This RSA is based on a simple system of rights and duties. The right to a minimum income or to an income supplement first. Then, the duty to look for a job, or to self-undertake actions in favor of his reintegration. The RSA is open, under certain conditions, to people aged at least 25 and to young workers aged 18 to 24 if they are single parents or have a certain period of professional activity. You do not have to declare the active solidarity income, it is not taxable. Several associations have been calling for more advantageous conditions for several months now, especially for young workers. As an indication, the RSA can concern young workers – we then speak of young RSA for those under 25 -, but they must justify a certain period of professional activity, excluding internships. This is why so many young people find themselves de facto excluded. The government, for its part, preferred to review the universal young guarantee, baptizing it young contract of engagement.

In fact, the family allowance fund (CAF) takes into account the resources of your household as well as a lump sum which varies according to the composition of your household and the number of dependent children. You live alone ? In this case, the fixed amount of the RSA reached 575.52 euros at the start of the year and has been revalued following inflation with an amount of 598.55 since July 1, 2022 (1st payment from September 5, 2022 with retroactive effect from July 1). Are you currently in a couple or a single-parent family? Here are the fixed amounts of the RSA – the one that will therefore serve as the basis for calculating family allowances, it is not the final amount – since July 1:

RSA and single-parent family, the amounts

Number of children/dependentssingle personsingle parent
pregnant woman isolated725,97
21 017,63 €1 209,95 €
Per additional child or dependent226,13241,99

RSA and torque, the amounts

Number of children/dependentsRising
0848,02 €
11 017,63 €
21 187,23 €
Per additional child or dependent226,13 €

Regarding the income taken into account by the CAF, it studies the resources received in the last three months and then establish an average. What resources are taken into account? Bear in mind that unemployment benefits, social security daily allowances, housing allowances and family benefits are taken into account in particular. The family allowance fund has thus established a housing package according to the number of people in your household:

  • If you are alone it reaches 67.84 €
  • If you are two, it is €135.68
  • From three people making up the household, it rises to €167.91.

Inevitably, this housing package reduces the amount of the social benefit.

To obtain these social benefits, you have three options: at your request by Internet on the CAF website, fill out a form with your family allowance fund or the CCAS for example, or send the form by post to your checkout. Cerfa form number 15481 is available here. Are you wondering about the documents to provide? Here is the list :

  • A bank account number
  • A declaration of pregnancy if you are expecting a child
  • Photocopy of your identity card or passport as well as your residence permit if you are not of French nationality

Find all the documents to be provided on page seven of the Cerfa form.

The Family Allowance Fund has made a simulator available to users on its website, at the following address: http://www.caf.fr/allocataires/mes-services-en-ligne/faire-une-simulation. If you are already receiving a CAF family benefit, you are invited to connect to your personal space using your beneficiary number. If not, you have the option of using a simulator. Keep in mind that you will need to have several pieces of information beforehand (number of people in the household, resources for the last 3 months, etc.).

It’s necessary reside in France in a stable, effective manner and be old at least 25 years old. Pupils, students and unpaid trainees are not eligible for the RSA. Single parents are an exception. The RSA also cannot concern people on parental leave, unpaid leave or sabbatical leave. You are not of French nationality? In this case, you must meet a number of residence conditions.

If you are European, you must hold a right of residence in France and have been living for at least three months when you apply or have a declared job in France and be either unemployed, on sick leave, or in training professional. If you are not European, you must have a residence permit allowing you to work in France for at least five years, or hold a residence permit or have refugee status or be recognized as stateless.

Emmanuel Macron also wants the RSA to be conditional on a consideration. In this case, a minimum activity qualified as a “duty” by Olivier Dussopt, Minister in charge of Public Accounts. The goal? achieve full employment. A formula hammered out by the LREM camp, and in particular its president Christophe Castaner at the microphone of RMC on March 21: We must provide the means for emancipation. The idea is to revive integration to achieve full employment.” The RSA whose amount reaches 598,55 euros in France is based on a logic of “rights and duties” according to Gabriel Attal. An idea based on the system of the youth engagement contract which makes it possible to support young people far from employment with training, work-study programs and role-playing. A system subject to conditions of resources, attendance, and acceptance of job offers made. The Government also ensures that the situation of beneficiaries could be studied on a case-by-case basis. In other words, a single mother with three dependent children, for example, could benefit from different treatment than a young person looking for a job.

  • Condition the RSA to a minimum of activity
  • Impose 15 to 20 hours of training or work in return for the allowance
  • Based on the youth engagement contract system
  • achieve full employment

Young people under the age of 25 cannot receive the active solidarity income. However, there is an RSA system reserved for young workers, the young RSA. A young person aged 18 to 25 who can prove a certain length of professional activity (salaried activity or not, hour of activity accomplished during a period of unemployment, activity accomplished within the framework of a voluntary contract in the army) can perceive it. As for the classic RSA, you must reside in France in a stable and effective way. Please note that periods of compensated unemployment and internships are not considered in the eyes of the CAF as periods of activity.

The calculation formula is identical to that of the so-called classic active solidarity income. The request for RSA young worker cannot be made online on the CAF website. You must do this either directly with your CAF on site, or by post. As a young worker, you must send two forms: form n°15481 (or n°15482 if you are self-employed) and cerfa n°14130.

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