Will we not stand in line for the checkout anymore? Market warehouses will assimilate smart carts in branches

by time news

The smart carts arrive at the branches Market warehouses. The chain will assimilate the smart carts of the WalkOut company in 62 branches, which combines a mobile cash register and cameras for automatic product scanning.It. The Israeli WalkOut, founded in 2018, has developed a smart shopping cart that will eliminate the need for consumers to stand in line for checkouts at the end of their purchase.

In addition, consumers will be able to receive information at the time of purchase about its scope. The WalkOut stroller is based on machine learning technology and computer vision. The cart is equipped with cameras located at different angles that allow the scanning and identification of the items added or removed from the cart. The accuracy rate, according to company data, stands at 99.2%.

The shopping experience with the smart cart is done through a screen where an indication of the purchase price is received. Through the knowledge accumulated about the buyer, personal offers will be tailored to him, including customized promotions. At the end of the purchase the payment is made by cart.

The company’s goal is to reach a deployment of about 4,000 carts within three years. The market warehouses stated that “the smart carts are part of the implementation of a technological system with an investment of $ 5 million.”

According to Shalom Naaman, CEO and owner of the market warehouse chain: “WalkOut’s solution will significantly shorten the length of stay in the branches, help maximize our operational efficiency and allow us to offer a unique shopping experience.”

The smart shopping cart at Amazon’s Retail Supermarket / Photo: Shutterstock

The market warehouse with 62 branches was established in 1996 in Be’er Sheva. In 2019, the chain, which is owned by the Naaman and Cohen families, acquired the activities of the Co-op chain. Co-op branches have been converted into “Market Warehouses for You” branches.

“Connecting to one of the largest marketing chains in Israel is an exciting opportunity and an important milestone for us,” said Assaf Gedalya, CEO and co-founder of WalkOut.

“As a chain that advocates innovative technologies, we wanted to offer our customers significant savings in waiting times at the checkouts and provide a more personal, accessible and efficient shopping experience,” said Shalom Naaman, CEO and owner of the Market Warehouse chain. Our operational efficiency and enable us to offer a unique shopping experience that is among the most advanced in the world. “

The market warehouse chain joins chains that are already implementing the technology, in which the chain was approved until it invested in Supersmart. The company, which was founded in 2014, has developed a network automation system that operates through an app that scans the items and allows the purchase process to be expedited. The Israeli company’s technology was assimilated as part of a pilot in the city market network.

Walkout smart cart / Photo: Maya Legotin

Walkout smart cart / Photo: Maya Legotin

The Yohananoff network also identified the need for smart carts. The chain has long invested in the A2Z smart stroller company, which enables the purchase of products without going through the checkouts, providing consumers with information during the purchase. The deployment of the carts at Yohananoff’s branches will begin by the end of 2021 and will be completed in the first months of 2022. Yohananoff has about 6% of the company’s shares.

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