“Willy anti-waste”: damaged packaging, short date… but real savings for the wallet

by time news

Items whose packaging has been damaged, products that can be consumed well beyond the date indicated on the label… for the past year, all these dry cakes and other jars of organic honey that should have gone in the trash have been thrown away. line on the Willy anti-waste site, at bargain prices (from – 30% to – 50%).

And, in these times of galloping inflation, this new concept is a hit: “since September, our turnover has increased by 16% per month”, rejoices Jonathan Negrin, one of the two co-founders, a time spent at Uber.

Willy anti-gaspi

On the site, which claims to be “the first e-commerce site 100% dedicated to anti-waste products in France”, nearly 700 references are offered, mainly savory and sweet groceries, but also drinks or articles for personal hygiene or the home.

For example, you can buy Bjorg coconut milk 200 ml at 1.39 euros rather than 1.99 euros, cocoa cookies with maxi nuggets at 3.15 rather than 4.50 euros or even – which works very well – gourmet baskets offering several items for 25 rather than 50 euros.

Also avoid food waste

“Consumers don’t always know it, but when a product has a minimum durability date (MDD) stamped on it, you can consume that item up to eighteen months later, and even without any limit for honey,” points out Jonathan Negrin, who buys directly from producers.

From the warehouse based in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), the items are then transported throughout France. “Relay point deliveries are free when the order exceeds 39 euros (they cost 3.99 euros below). »

The price of home deliveries is between 1.99 and 6.99 euros, depending on the amount of the basket. If “our 3,300 customers obviously plan to save money by choosing their products from us, many are also very concerned about consuming differently, avoiding food waste, which still concerns 10 million products per year”, points out the co-founder. In 2023, his small business intends to “triple its sales”.

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