Willy Schraen, leader of the hunters, announces his support for Emmanuel Macron “from the first round”

by time news

A week after having interviewed some of the candidates for the presidential election during the general assembly of his organization, the president of the National Federation of Hunters (FNC) Willy Schraen announced on Tuesday that he “will vote Emmanuel Macron in the first round”in an interview with the newspaper The Parisian. He believes that the outgoing Head of State “ will put all his energy to answer [aux] requests » million hunters in France, as it has done during the past five years.

“In my position, the only thing that matters is the treatment of the hunt. From there, I am totally cold and pragmatic about the choices to be made. I disregard my opinions”, defends the leader of the hunters. The latter also makes it known in this interview that Emmanuel Macron “will announce in the next few hours its vision of hunting through a letter to the departmental hunting presidents”.

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“Each time we had a problem to settle with an ecology minister, [Emmanuel Macron] intervened “

Why support the outgoing President of the Republic rather than another? “ Fabien Roussel saw hunting. But the PCF announced that, if it was not in the second round, it would call for a vote for “the best-placed leftist candidate”. This means Jean-Luc Mélenchon, even Yannick Jadot… who call for a ban on hunting. As for Eric Zemmour, he says the hunt is great. But here it is: what will he do in the second round? No doubt he will call to vote for Marine Le Pen. Now, it is the primary incarnated animalism. arguments M. Schraen.

He adds : “ What parts [le RN] is against hunting. Let’s talk now about Valérie Pécresse. She is surrounded by people who know us well. But in 2021 it signed the regional charter for animals of the L214 association, with anti-hunting measures. This NGO is the number one adversary of breeders and hunters. Finally, Anne Hidalgo has a dogmatic position which is worth [celle de] Jadot and Melenchon. » MM. Jadot and Mélenchon want in particular to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays, against the backdrop of fatal hunting accidents.

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But this decision by Mr. Schraen is not just a default choice. It is also because Emmanuel Macron has been able to listen to hunters throughout his five-year term, he pleads:

No law or amendment that could damage hunting has been adopted in this five-year period. Each time we had a problem to settle with an ecology minister, he intervened.

The outgoing President of the Republic notably halved the price of the hunting license and reauthorized the traditional hunting of certain species of birds – a decision suspended by the Council of State. The resignation of Nicolas Hulot at the end of August 2018, then Minister of the Environment, was also partly motivated by the influence of hunters on his files, after the holding of a meeting attended by lobbyist Thierry Coste.

A letter addressed to the hunters by the outgoing president

Regarding the letter that Emmanuel Macron should send in the coming hours to the departmental hunting presidents, Mr. Schraen argues in place of the candidate president that“it should commit to compensation for game damage, local rural policing, traditional hunting. (…) He will put all his energy to meet our requests. I have his word. He didn’t disappoint me.” he continues.

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The president of the FNC points out, however, that his position is not an instruction to the members of his movement but rather a warning. “Hunters do what they want. But I tell them: “be careful”, in second and third positions loom our worst enemies “quoting Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “We must weigh in the vote. (…) The situation is serious “, continue Willy Schraen.

While the question of the animal condition is of increasing concern to French women and men, Mr. Schraen brushes aside this argument and harshly attacks the environmentalist candidate: “Jadot is given at 5%. I don’t feel like people want a green revolution. Young people hope for a future and not be pissed off in five years because of the Greens’ forbidden list”.

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