Wine under attack, from Croatian Prosek to WHO, tomorrow pressing on Patuanelli

by time news

The Italian wine sector, despite the excellent performances on the domestic and foreign markets, and perhaps also for this reason, is under attack. From the question of the Croatian Prosek that undermines our Prosecco, the flagship product of Italian agri-food exports, to an equally important game, that is, the repercussions on the promotion of wine that would derive from the current position of the WHO on the fight against cancer in Europe. These are the ‘hot’ issues that will be addressed tomorrow in the late morning at the table convened by videoconference by the Minister of Agricultural Policies Stefano Patuanelli, in which Undersecretary Gian Marco Centinaio also participates, and to which the presidents of Assoenologi, Cia, Confagricoltura will be connected. , Copagri, Federdoc, Federvini, Unione Italiana Vini and the wine group coordinator of Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane.

These are issues that worry the world of wine, which will ask the government to intervene and which line it intends to pursue. It will be important to understand how many appeals in favor of Prosecco and how many opposing opinions will arrive in Brussels, a game that already sees a ‘front’ of producer consortia lined up against Croatian Prosek, which also includes the Champagne committee, as the Italian Union points out. Wines that will team up with France, Spain, Portugal and Germany to present motions contrary to the Commission’s indication in defense of this Doc, in the EU.

Moreover, the formal opposition is based on the fact that – as Patuanelli pointed out – the name Prosek inevitably recalls, for a ‘normally informed consumer’, the bubbles of our country. Among other things, Undersecretary Centinaio declared himself “cautiously optimistic” about the rejection by the EU of the Croatian request. Italy must submit its deductions by 4 November and the government has asked the trade associations to send the legal indications.

concern also for funds for promotion and use of musts for IGPs

The game of strategic alliances will also be indispensable for the other ‘battle’ that Italy is fighting in Europe and on which the wine producers will press the government tomorrow, in view of the WHO meeting on 8 October in Geneva to the development of the document on anti-cancer strategies. In fact, wine is among those products (in addition to red meat), the consumption of which is considered a risk factor for cancer in the European Plan for the fight against cancer.

Up to now, only Italy has opposed it and therefore, it is necessary to see if there are other opponents, what are the positions on the field and if it will be reversed, as has been announced. A difficult question because WHO, in its document, puts alcohol among the triggers of cancer, without making an adequate distinction between wine and other alcoholic products, between correct use and abuse of alcohol. If the trend is not reversed, there is a risk of banning Italian wine and wine from other European countries and the promotion of wine itself (with the relative funds of the CMO).

In addition to the possible ‘robbery’ by Croatia on the DOC and DOCG Prosecco, queen of Valdobbiadene and Conegliano, other issues will also be addressed at the table such as funds on promotion (timing and deadlines of the CMO), for the promotion of wineries on non-EU markets, and in relation to the additional 25 million in loans. Finally, another more technical question concerning PGI and the use of musts shakes and worries the world of wine because it would enter the disciplinary of many Italian labels with a straight leg. (by Cristina Armeni)

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