WineWise, Art Days presents the site specific works in the top wineries of Campania

by time news

NoonNovember 8, 2022 – 6:49 pm

Four tours with tastings from 18 to 20 November. Here are the Italian artists winners of the WineWise award

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The Art Days Napoli Campania bring together visual art and wine lovers with four tours in prestigious wine cellars from the region who generously hosted – with a residence and a production prize – the winning artists of the first Art Days competition dedicated to the union of art, wine and territory, WineWise | Methodologies for the Contemporary.

From 18 to 20 November, visitors will be able to admire new works of art created for the territory to which they refer (site specific) and, at the same time, participate in a tasting in the reference territories combined with zero kilometer culinary creations. The artists were awarded by a jury of professionals and started building the work on October 24th during a residence in the chosen cellar: the visit to their works acts as a real eve of the event that will take place throughout the region from 24 to 27 November next.

Friday 18th November (6 pm-9pm) will be the protagonists of the Astroni Cellars (NA) and the artist Giovanni Chiamenti (Verona, 1992): the presentation of the work produced thanks to his residence in the spectacular metropolitan vineyard area immersed in the Phlegraean Fields will be followed by a tour of the cellar and a finger food aperitif-dinner that introduces the tasting of three DOP wines from Cantine Astroni: Falanghina Campi Flegrei astro sparkling wine; Colle Imperatrice, Falanghina Campi Flegrei (2021), Colle Rotondella, Piedirosso Campi Flegrei (2021). Thanks to the award and the WineWise residency, the artist has deepened a project already started in Naples in 2021 during his first solo exhibition at the Marrocco Gallery: a series of raku ceramic works that represent an “organic glossary” that emerged from the bowels of the earth in a not so far-fetched future, in which animal and plant species have hybridized and evolved to survive an increasingly polluted and hostile environment.

Saturday 19 November (11-13.30), will be the protagonists Cantine Iannella and the artist Miriam Montani (Cascia, PG, 1986): the presentation of the work produced thanks to his residence in the terroir of Torrecuso (Benevento) will be followed by a tour in the cellar and a light lunch in the Sala Bottaia where cutting boards and local delicacies of the house will enhance the tasting of three Dop: Euforia, Falanghina del Sannio Dop extra dry sparkling wine, Coda di Volpe del Sannio Dop Taburno 2021 , Aglianico del Taburno Docg 2019. The artist has perfected in a very evocative place and linked to rituals, the province of Benevento, a work conceived long ago that had never yet found a place so suitable to be realized. He analyzed the practice of distillation, which starts from the principle of separating the elements of different volatility in response to heat. In alcoholic distillation, the first element to separate, methanol, which can cause serious vision problems, up to blindness. The artist distilled the pomace recovered from winemaking with an alembic. With the obtained methanol he carried out acid etchings typical of chalcographic engraving techniques, on aluminum objects found and similar to the place. evokes the eyes of Saint Luciaalso through a small photo, made with an immersion camera, of two contact lenses designed to evoke the tear of the eyes.

Saturday 19th November (3 pm-5.30pm) Villa Raiano and the artistic duo TRANSPECIES will be the protagonists (Valentina Avanzini, researcher, 1995; Emanuele Resce, artist, 1987): the presentation of the work produced thanks to their residence in San Michele Serino (AV), will be followed by a tour in the cellar and an aperitif with finger food which includes the tasting of the Ripa Bassa sparkling wine (Classic Method), the Ponte dei Santi Docg, a Greek tuff from the Le Vigne Line (2018), from Campania , a 2019 Aglianico Igt. The duo has started a series of experiments and visions: video essays, works of art and, currently, a documentary project on the hidden history of Irpiniathe territory of birth and / or adoption of both which continued also at Villa Raiano.

Sunday 20 November (11-15) Villa Matilde Avallone and the artist Andrea Bolognino will be the protagonists (Naples, 1991) who will present his work in two of the addresses of Art Days 2022, il Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte and ACappella: mainly focuses on restoring the gaze of an otherness, exploring, through the transformation of matter, the interstitial areas where the human meets the non-human. During the productive residency at Villa Matilde Avallone in Cellole (CE), the artist used the figure of the circle (which unites the processes and architectures related to wine) and the technique of drawing to develop a poetics of transformation. The drawing becomes a tool for the enhancement of the naturalistic heritage and cultural heritage of the cellar. The presentation will be followed by a tour of the cellar and a light lunch with first and second course which includes the tasting of Baia, a quality sparkling wine; a Greco di tuff DOCG D’Altavilla (2021), a Falerno del Massico Bianco Dop (2021).

The tours have a cost of € 40 each, on Saturday 19th November there is a discount € 10 for those who book tours to the Iannella Cellars and Villa Raiano; there is a 20 euro discount for booking all tours; further discounts for groups and AIS members. It is possible to book transfers or taxis with carriers affiliated with the Art Days. For reservations and information: [email protected], [email protected].

November 8, 2022 | 18:49

© Time.News

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