Winners of the 2024 CIPA Journalism Awards

by time news

The Circle of Journalists and Social Communicators of Antioquia – CIPA – held the ceremony to present the 34th edition of its awards for Journalistic Excellence. The ceremony took place on August 14 at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, in Medellín.

The special categories were defined by the Board of Directors of the communications association, while the other categories were chosen by the judging panel.

As a prelude to the award ceremony, CIPA held the International Seminar on Public Communication, Journalism and Democracy, which took place over two days. The first part took place on Tuesday, August 13, at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Laureles campus; and the second, on Wednesday, August 14, at the UCC, central headquarters.

Special categories CIPA Awards

The board of directors awarded the CIPA Prize for Journalistic Excellence in the “Lifetime Achievement” category to journalist and university professor Samuel Mira Velásquez. According to the association’s considerations, the professor has honored his life with a professional performance in which ethics and integrity have been his deepest values.

“Samuel Mira Velásquez not only knew how to impart academic training, but also, throughout his lectures, he planted in the souls of his countless students the values ​​of professional integrity and the search for truth in the practice of journalism,” the minutes highlight.

Mira Velásquez worked as a journalist in various media such as Radio Periódico Clarín, the news program Último Minuto and Actualidades RCN, as well as in the Press Agency. She also combined her work in teaching and the media with union work, a field in which her leadership was noted.

For its part, the CIPA board of directors awarded the CIPA Prize for Journalist-Writer to Juan Carlos Yepes Álvarez, author of business books and the collection Highly Inspiring Business Stories, which already has 13 volumes.

The CIPA Award for Excellence in Journalistic Ethics Julián Pérez Medina was awarded to José Guillermo Ángel, social communicator, PhD in philosophy and university professor for his contribution to journalism and ethics in the training of many generations of journalists at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

The award winner is a writer and columnist. He currently has an opinion section in the newspaper El Colombiano and a radio program on Radio Bolivariana called “La otra historia”.

Awards for the Journalistic Excellence

For this occasion, the call received 46 applications in nine categories, three of which were declared void. According to the assessments of the jury of the 34th edition of the CIPA Awards for Journalistic Excellence, The winners are:

University journalism:

The award was won by students Salomé Conde Cárdenas and Samuel Fabián Pórtela Rocha, from the Pontifical Bolivarian University, for their work “In the shadow of the caregiver.”

In this same category, an honorable mention was given to the work “Hunger in the land of plenty” by Eliana Gil Posada from Eafit University.

c journalismultural:

In this category, the jury decided to choose a prize and a mention. The honorable mention in this category went to the project “Que pase el tren” (Let the train pass) carried out by Joaquín Gómez Meneses from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

The CIPA Award in the Cultural Journalism category went to the radio work “The Port of Oblivion,” produced by social communicator-journalist Alina Mariel Castrillón Rave, from the Cultural Radio Station of the University of Antioquia, Puerto Berrío section.

Political journalism:

The winning work was “The Last Chapter”, also by social communicator-journalist Alina Mariel Castrillón Rave, from the Cultural Radio Station Universidad de Antioquia. For the jury, this work is the reaffirmation that freedom of the press is a value for which all efforts are significant.

Sports journalism:

The winner of the CIPA Award for Journalistic Excellence in the Sports Journalism Category was the special Wilmar Roldán and his refereeing challenges, produced and presented by journalists Roosevelt Castro and Edwin Ortega.

Community journalism:

Likewise, journalists Roosevelt Castro and Edwin Ortega were considered winners in the community journalism category.

Ecological journalism:

In this category the jury decided to award an honorable mention and the prize as follows: the honorable mention went to the publication, “Río Claro: laboratorio vivo”, conducted by journalist Johanna Pino Quiceno of the University of Antioquia Cultural Radio Station.

The award was given to the article “Between solidarity and the challenges of human mobility migration: the invisible face of climate change”, written by Katherine Hernández Villa and published in Sextante Press of the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Gender equality journalism:

In this category, the CIPA award and two honorable mentions were given: the winner was the book “Watering other people’s gardens”, by journalists Carolina Londoño Quiceno and Mateo Ruiz Galvis. The text was published in September 2023 with resources from the Secretariat of Citizen Culture of the District of Medellín.

First honorable mention: Sextante Radio, one of the journalism training laboratories of the Social Communication program of the Luis Amigó Catholic University, carried out by Óscar Eduardo Linares Acevedo and Julián David Zuluaga Agudelo.

The second honorable mention went to the program “Women’s Voices: Sexual Harassment in Today’s Society,” broadcast on Radio La Cuarta Estación and directed by social communicator Jennifer Cortés Jiménez.

Investigative journalism:

This year the CIPA Award for Journalistic Excellence, in the investigative journalism category, went to journalist Eduardo Antonio Bermúdez Pérez, for the TV report “Without moral limits: Escobar, 30 years later…”, broadcast on December 2, 2023 by the Teleantioquia channel in its “Crónicas Teleantioquia Noticias” segment.

According to the jury, this report has investigative depth in each of the points addressed around the investigated character and knew how to organize the sources in such a way as to create an adequate common thread.

The jury also notes that the report is pleasing to the eye and ear of the viewer and has good aesthetic quality in the way the subject was developed. The documentary provides a portrait, without apology, of the character and the harmful effects of drug trafficking through various sources consulted.

Since last June, Eduardo Bermúdez Pérez, a reporter with almost 30 years of experience in different media outlets in the department and the country, has been part of the news team of the newspapers Vivir en El Poblado and Vivir en Oriente.

CIPA Medal of Merit

Winners of the 2024 CIPA Journalism Awards

Meanwhile, the CIPA board of directors decided to highlight and recognize the members who, with their effort and dedication, have dedicated their work to continuing the association’s trajectory and its sustainability. For this reason, the Julián Pérez Medina medal of merit was created (named after the co-founder and first president of CIPA).

In 2024, this distinction was awarded for the first time. The honored members were the social communicator-journalist Zoila Isabel Carvajal Almario, executive director of CIPA, and Abraham Umbarila Saavedra, director and founder of the radio station Radio CIPA Estéreo.

It should be noted that this year the categories of tourism journalism, photojournalism and economic journalism were declared void as there were not the minimum number of applications required for the jury to be able to select a winner. More information at

2024-08-15 20:55:15

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