Winning AMI Awards, Logamulia Distributes the CD Album Distorsi Narasi

by times news cr

Logamulia, band metal. Foto: Dok. Demajors

jpnn.comJAKARTA – Metal band, Logamulia has finally launched the album Distorsi Narasi in compact disc (CD) format.

The album, a collaboration with the Demajors record label, was previously released via digital format in early 2024.

Logamulia worked on the album Distorsi Narasi which contains nine songs for quite a long time.

Apart from requiring an intensive process to finalize the music, the busy personnel of Achmad Hafizullah (vocals), Pratama Putra Rahardjo (guitar, backing vocals), Abdul Aziz Turhan (bass, backing vocals) and Alejandro Saksakame (drums, backing vocals), until the pandemic makes travel even more difficult. long.

However, Logamulia has received appreciation from the Indonesian music industry since their early years together.

Public Enemy, Logamulia’s first single released in 2019, was nominated at the AMI Awards for the Best Metal/Hardcore Production Work category.

A similar achievement was also achieved by the single Sang Penghasut which was released the following year and was included in the Best Metal Production Work category at the 2020 AMI Awards.

These two songs were remixed for inclusion on Distorsi Narasi, and at the same time became a blueprint for Logamulia’s music: loud and aggressive, but also easy to stick to the ears without being pop.

Metal band, Logamulia finally launched the album Distorsi Narasi in compact disc (CD) format.

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