Winter sales, a positive start in Trentino due to the “market effect”: in Alto Adige starting from 8 January – News

by times news cr

TRENT. In the province of Trento, where the winter sales are substantially liberalized and all that is needed is an official communication 15 days before the start, most of the shops began their “sales” between yesterday and today. “The business started off OK, not bad,” he observes Gianni Gravante, regional president of Trentino Alto Adige of Federmoda Confcommercio.

“We feared a quiet start, but instead we have seen that the attitude of customers is positive”, adds Gravante. Which explains that there is anticipation for today, to confirm the good impressions gathered on Friday. “You can still feel the effect of the markets – he concludes – which will certainly be felt tomorrow too, while I don’t know if it will be the same on Monday: if the last day had been a Sunday I would have said for sure, but I don’t know. For the moment among the customers there are still tourists”.

The findings of Mauro Paissan, president of Confesercentithey are essentially the same. “Compared to expectations – he explains – sales are going reasonably well. Certainly better than forecasts, even on the eve of the holidays”. Paissan notes a positive countertrend: “Naturally it is too early to talk about figures, but in consumers’ declarations there is still a preference for traditional shops over online – adds the president of Confesercenti – In the forecasts there was also a trend to reward clothing”.

According to Paissan too, the markets will at least partially influence the start of the winter sales in Trentino: “For the first five or six days we will also have tourists among the customers”, he concluded. Analyzes at a national level speak of a greater propensity to purchase, up to 307 euros per family according to the Confcommercio Research Office. Almost six out of ten Italians will purchase products during the winter sales and already one in five will spend more than in 2024. In the province of Bolzano the sales start on 8 January.

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