Wissing rejects speed limits on motorways: “People don’t want to” – 2024-04-13 08:59:44

by times news cr

2024-04-13 08:59:44

A speed limit of 120 on motorways, 80 on country roads and 30 in urban areas. According to supporters, this is good for safety and the environment. Transport Minister Wissing doesn’t think much of it.

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing has once again spoken out against a speed limit on motorways. This is an ongoing issue, but not a solution, said the FDP politician of the “Funke Mediengruppe”.



When asked about a study by the Federal Environment Agency from last year, according to which a limit of 120 kilometers per hour could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 6.7 million tons of CO2 equivalents, he said: “There are so many numbers floating around. What’s important is that that only measures that are accepted can be successful.”

“People don’t want to.”

If a speed limit of 120 applies across the board on motorways, 80 on country roads and 30 in urban areas, this would not be accepted in Germany. “People don’t want that.”



A survey by t-online on behalf of the opinion research institute Civey came to the conclusion last November: At that time, 67 percent were in favor of introducing a speed limit. A third favor a limit of 130 kilometers per hour. Here you can read more about it.

“Don’t convince me”

Measures must be effective and sensible. “If, for example, a direct route through the villages becomes worthwhile again because of a speed limit on the motorway, the residents will be burdened with noise. We have built infrastructure so that people are relieved of the burden of traffic.” Then there would be suggestions that would motivate drivers to take the shorter route through the towns again. “That doesn’t convince me. That’s why we’re taking other approaches to making transport climate-friendly.”

Last August, the Federal Council of Experts on Climate Issues once again confirmed that the federal government was not on track to achieve the climate target for 2030. By then, Germany would have to emit 65 percent fewer greenhouse gases than in 1990. The transport and building sectors in particular are causing problems.

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