With 32% of French people satisfied, Macron’s popularity at its lowest for three years

by time news

While France is animated by the conflict over the pension reform, the popularity rating of the executive continues to crumble. That of Emmanuel Macron thus sank by two points in February to reach its lowest level in three years, with 32% of French people satisfied with his action, according to an Ifop poll for the Sunday newspaper.

Yet posted carefully at a distance from the debates on the pensions he initiated, the head of state is suffering the plaster of a political and social climate that is more hostile to his government and his majority. It has thus fallen by six points in total since the start of the school year in September and the launch of its pension project, thus returning to its pre-Covid-19 crisis low water level.

Macron in decline among his voters

According to this monthly barometer, Emmanuel Macron is regressing in particular with LR sympathizers (-12 points) and even with his own first-round voters (- 4 points).

His Prime Minister is not better off: Elisabeth Borne sees her popularity drop by 3 points, to 29% of favorable opinions, her lowest level since taking office at Matignon last May.

Survey conducted from February 9 to 16, 2023, among a sample of 1,952 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method, with a margin of error of between 1 and 2.3 points.

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