With a heat wave, see how to avoid an increase in your electricity bill

by time news

2023-10-07 04:01:30

With the high temperatures, it is almost impossible to stay indoors, at home or at work, without having a fan or air conditioning on. In addition to the need to keep these appliances running for hours at a time, showering more times a day and using the refrigerator and freezer more intensively, for example, these are behaviors that will inevitably result in a more expensive electricity bill in the future. next month. To avoid a shock on your electricity bill, prevent a hole in your family’s budget and also minimize damage to the environment, the R7 report asked experts for tips for everyday life. See: 1. Take advantage of natural lighting. Whenever possible, open the windows and let sunlight into the room, as this will help reduce the use of lamps and lamps. Only turn on the lights when necessary2. Give preference to LED or fluorescent lamps, which are more efficient than incandescent lamps, consume less electricity and last longer. Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room.3. In addition to lighting, also take advantage of natural ventilation: open doors and windows at the coolest times of the day to cool the environment4. Unplug all devices that are not in use, as even when they are turned off, they remain on stand-by and continue to consume energy5. Only leave the television on when someone is watching a program. In the bedroom, at night, use the ‘timer’ feature to schedule the shutdown 6. Configure the computer to be used in energy saving mode, which puts the monitor and computer in a momentary standby state when they are not in use. Do not leave monitors, printers, speakers, stabilizers and other accessories on or on stand-by unnecessarily7. Take quick showers and convince the family to also be more agile; The electric shower is one of the biggest consumers of electricity in a home, so whenever possible, turn it to the summer position and leave it off when soaping your body or applying shampoo and conditioner to your hair. Careful installation is also essential to avoid shocks, accidents and wasted energy8. Optimize the use of devices such as air conditioning and fans, closing doors and windows when they are on, to prevent hot air from entering. A good idea is to carry out periodic maintenance on the air conditioning, as technical problems can increase energy consumption 9. Leave windows and doors closed during periods of the day when the heat is most intense10. Keep household appliances in good condition and in good working order. When damaged, these products can consume more energy. Therefore, carry out periodic maintenance on the devices in your home 11. Avoid using your cell phone while it is recharging, as this makes the battery take longer to complete the process and, consequently, increases energy consumption. Furthermore, do not leave your cell phone recharging overnight, while you sleep, and whenever the device reaches full charge, remove it from the socket 12. Consider the possibility of exchanging old appliances for more economical and efficient models 13. If If you are buying a new fan or air conditioning, check the Procel seal, which indicates the most efficient devices in each category. The ideal is to choose those that have the seal or that come with the Inmetro label with the letter ‘A’. 14. If you can, install a programmable thermostat on your air conditioner. This will allow you to set it to lower the temperature at night or when you are away from home. Also give preference to moderate temperatures rather than extremely low temperatures (below 20°C), which makes the device consume more15. When cooking or preparing a snack, if you need to get something from the fridge or freezer, think about everything you will need before opening the door, to remove all the products at once. Also try to reduce ‘opening and closing’ throughout the day. Every time the refrigerator is opened, heat is exchanged with the environment, and the motor has to work harder to maintain cooling, which demands more energy 16. Still in relation to the use of the refrigerator, check the condition of the sealing rubbers door and temperature control; If necessary, adjust the thermostat to avoid wasting energy. Do not line the shelves or use the back to dry clothes or shoes. It is also not recommended to leave it near the stove17. As for other household appliances, it is best to avoid using them during peak hours, especially between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm, when consumption increases a lot. Sources: Abesco (Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Service Companies); Thalita Moschini, coordinator of the Electrical Engineering course at Faculdade Anhanguera.
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