With a “triple epidemic” of Covid-19, bronchiolitis and influenza, the “week of all dangers” for the health system

by time news

The “week of all dangers”. This is how François Braun qualified, Wednesday, December 28, the days to come for the French health system. Already weakened by a lack of staff, it has been confronted for several weeks with a “triple epidemic” of Covid-19, bronchiolitis and influenza, with for the latter an acceleration of contaminations.

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The Minister of Health paid a visit on Wednesday morning to the Annecy Genevois hospital center (Haute-Savoie), affected, he said, like the whole of the French system by difficulties, in particular by a lack of staff, still “increased with proximity to Switzerland”where many French caregivers choose to practice.

“In this triple epidemic, we are coming to a slightly calmer phase with regard to Covid and bronchiolitis”he explained to the press: the coronavirus “circulates less”while the level of infection remains ” very high “ for bronchiolitis, “but getting better”. ” On the other hand “for the flu, “there is an explosion of cases, also with serious cases, which means that the intensive care units are generally saturated”he pointed out. “This week is a bit of a week of all dangers, but the mobilization of personnel is absolutely complete and the system manages to hold up”, he nevertheless assured.

The fear of an epidemic rebound after the holidays

François Braun, who already expressed himself in this sense last week, also deplored the strike movement of general practitioners at the national level, and liberal nurses in Haute-Savoie, which he finds “particularly unwelcome in this period of extreme difficulty for the health system”.

“My door has always remained open and it will remain so to solve problems”added the Minister, who notably visited the emergency department and participated in a round table with hospital officials and caregivers, directors of other health establishments and elected officials.

Reminding the French of the need to be careful in this holiday season marked by reunions, Mr. Braun said “fear of a rebound” epidemic in January. “So vaccination is still relevant with regard to the flu, as well as wearing a mask in closed places and washing hands, of course”he insisted.

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The World with AFP

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