With Callejones sin estrellas, Mujereando continues to emerge as one of the reference companies of the Documentary Theater of Seville

by time news

On February 18, he will represent at the TNT Theater, alleys without stars, by the hand of Mujereando. One of the pieces that will form the special program of this edition of the Ethical cycle, which will be taking place from February 11 to 19 in this Seville theater.

Mujereando is a project that uses theater to empower women who are or have been homeless, many of whom are survivors of sexist violence. In fact, in 2021 a documentary was screened whose title coincides with the name of this Sevillian company, womanizing, which seeks to make visible the reality of its interpreters through their personal testimonies. Therefore, we are dealing with a company that, among other things, works from the format of the Documentary Theater.

This genre has given its members a powerful vehicle capable of transcending formats that, although it is not convenient to do without them (publishing texts on the Internet, political activism on the street, etc.), can be complemented thanks to the performances of their shows. Since after all, the thing is about making visible realities that “sound”, but to which on many occasions our society does not manage to “put faces”, being that having gone through homelessness situation excludes and victimizes our society from various fronts. Without forgetting that “returning” to it is always much more complicated to achieve than having fallen from that situation. Without further ado, he left you with a preview of alleys without stars:

On May 22 I arrived at number 6 Becas Street. As a child I dreamed, I dreamed… Go to sleep my girl, go to sleep now, the coconut is coming and it will eat you up. Paralyzed, voiceless, crying to yourself and praying that all this ends. The noise of the city that does not stop and hammers your brains. What do you have left? Disappear? One of my biggest losses was my photographs, the photo of my mother. Suddenly, you realize that you have been sleeping on the street for 7 years and that you continue in the starting square without illusions or hope… without Stars.

Windows, four women, keys, four stories of resistance, of resilience…

Nobody knows what it is like to have no place to hide from the world if they have not lived on the street.

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