With Clowns and Information: Diabetes Day at Barzilai Medical Center Here south

by time news

Posted on: 15.11.21 22:03

International Diabetes Day was celebrated yesterday around the world and also in Israel. This day has been set by the International Diabetes Association and the World Health Organization, following the rise in the diagnosis of diabetes worldwide, with the aim of raising awareness of diabetes, its treatment and prevention.

Technological advancement has changed the face of diabetes, making it possible for those suffering from this disease to live a fuller and more independent life. A simple test of a few seconds with an immediate result resulted in an improvement in quality of life.

Diabetes Day. Photo: Moran Nissim

Diabetes Day.  Photo: Moran Nissim

Diabetes Day. Photo: Moran Nissim

As part of community and staff health activities, and a desire to raise awareness of the disease, we invited the public and staff to come for a checkup and consult a diabetic and clinical specialist.

Diabetes Day.  Photo: Moran Nissim

Diabetes Day. Photo: Moran Nissim

Barzilai Medical Center has a specialist diabetes clinic and a diabetes clinic in collaboration with a nephrologist.

For more details you can contact us at 08-6663596

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