“With friends like that”: The human character is amusing

by time news

.In the director’s new comedy film Daniel Cohen (“The chef“), Based on a play by him, played by Leah (Bernice Bejo) The character of a kind and restrained woman, who works in a women’s fashion store in a large mall. During her breaks, she writes about passers-by, invents a complex life for them, and begins to weave these stories into a book.

One evening, when Leah and her husband, Mark (Vansen Castle), Go out to dinner with their closest friends, Karin (Florence Forresti) And Francis (François Demians), Leah mentions that she is working on writing a book. Leah is measured in front of her friends as ‘having good intentions’ all evening, and no more than that, and this message arouses further contempt, because Leah in her humble way, does not object to insult. But her announcement immediately undermines the long-standing balance of the relationship between the four, to the point of a fascinating and amusing effect.

Bezo as a lovable Leah from the beginning of the film to the end, maintains her stability, sensitivity and generosity of heart in the face of all challenges. Cassel is not constantly likable as Mark, her husband selfish and humiliating Leah; Forresti, as Leah’s best friend – Karin, is self-centered but excellent and steals the show quite a bit when she embarks on a journey of envy, and tries to become a writer herself. Damians is great as Karin’s husband, a man who tries to fulfill himself but sits on the fence to “be fair”.

This is a delicate, clever and at times very funny film. The cast could not have better revealed the true nature of the characters, with each striving to restore the quartet’s status quo by returning Leah to her place at the bottom of the deck.

Do not miss this beautifully designed and rich study of human nature. Sure you will leave the cinema with an appreciative smile.

The movie “With Friends Like That” “Le Bonheur des Uns” | “A Friendly Tale” – now in theaters.

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