With Henry Cucalón there are now six official candidates for the 2025 presidential elections – 2024-07-27 13:06:12

by times news cr

2024-07-27 13:06:12

Henry Cucalon is officially the presidential candidate for Ecuador from the Construye movement. In an event held on the afternoon of July 5thIn Guayaquil, he was presented to the militants who showed their support.

Guillermo Lasso’s former Minister of Government and former Social Christian assemblyman, was the special guest of a accession event that the political organization held at the city’s convention center. He arrived surrounded by Construye activists.

«You know me, you know my vocation. Henry Cucalón always stands up for himself, he is not afraid of problems. That is why I tell you, with the passion that comes from the depths of my soul, I appeal to your hearts to be your President, and the first servant of the Republic: and thus be able to protect your families and protect the Ecuadorian nation.»

Amid cheers and applause, he put on the shirt of what is now officially his new political group.

Who are the confirmed candidates?

With Cucalón, there are already six confirmed names from different political parties and movements. Also present are Andrea González, Pedro Granja, Víctor Araus, Jorge Escala and Leonidas Iza.

Fernando Villavicencio’s former running mate confirmed her pre-candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic, in the 2025 General Elections, on June 6. She will do so supported by the Patriotic Society Party (PSP), of the former president and current assemblyman, Lucio Gutierrez.

The former president himself sat to the right of González during the press conference in which he made his participation official. There he also highlighted that both They share ideals against corruption.

“Many people don’t know that last year, our first choice to participate was through conversations with Sociedad Patriótica,” González said at the event. He added that partnering with the Build Movement in the early elections of 2023 It was a mistake.

Peter Farm

Lawyer Pedro Granja has never participated in any popular election before and has remained close to the left since his militancy. Now, he has the support of the Ecuadorian Socialist Party (PSE).

He was the lawyer of Dalo Bucaram, son of former President Abdalá. He also defended Mery Zamora, former member of the Popular Democratic Movement (MPD) and former president of the National Union of Educators (UNE).

For Granja, this professional activity does not define him politically.

However, since his activism he had two stages, in one he declared himself anti-Correa, but then he ended up as a defender of the Citizen revolution.

During Guillermo Lasso’s government, he promoted the revocation of the mandate for alleged failure to fulfill his duties.

Victor Araus

The retired police general confirmed his candidacy through a video posted on social media; however, he did not confirm which political party or movement will support him.

He said that if he becomes President, he will take a tough stance against criminal gangs.

Jorge Escala

The teacher Jorge Escala will be a candidate for the Popular Unity movement.

He is not a novice in politics, he was also a member of the assembly between 2009 and 2013 for the extinct Popular Democratic Movement (MPD). He was also a leader of the National Union of Educators.

Leonidas Iza

The political organization Pachakutik chose the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Izaas his presidential candidate.

Iza spoke of a government plan “to transform our country” and stressed that Packautik will present as candidates for the National Assembly to “the best cadres”, who will not be “political negotiators”. Today the indigenous leader is also opposed to the Government of Daniel Noboa.

Noboa has not confirmed his candidacy

The list of pre-candidates also includes Daniel Noboawho assumed the Presidency last November after winning the extraordinary elections called by the former president Guillermo Lasso when he dissolved the National Assembly.

Noboa was elected to complete the term of Lasso, who took office in 2021, when he succeeded Lenín Moreno.

Although he is expected to run for office again, the current president has not confirmed this, nor has the political movement that will support him.

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