With Hippolib, people with severe disabilities can (re)ride a horse

by time news

“It changed our lives. » At the Chevaux d’Agnetz, the results could not be more positive. For four years since a Hippolib arrived in this equestrian center in Picardy, many disabled people, sometimes very heavily, have been able to ride a horse for the first time. “Until then, it was not possible, or it was necessary to hold them several on each side, says Pauline Desguerre, director of this associative center specializing in equine therapy for 50 ponies and horses. From now on, even quadriplegic people, who nevertheless lack balance and tone, can go horse riding in complete safety. »

Created ten years ago in Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) and still manufactured on site, the Hippolib is a device that adapts easily to all types of saddles. Once attached, a module keeps the rider in front, at the level of the pommel, and a second helps him keep his back straight, while maintaining contact with the animal. “A strap makes it possible to tighten well in order to provide a real frame of support, adaptable to all morphologies, explains Emmanuelle Blanche, sales manager at Mouvly (G2M group). It is a product resulting from a need, formulated by a paraplegic rider from the Cadre Noir de Saumur. It took six years of development to get there so much so that today there is no such comfortable solution on the market. »

Motor and mental disability

Since its creation, several dozen Hippolibs have been sold each year, mainly through word of mouth. But today, Mouvly wishes to develop internationally, in Europe to begin with, with the first resellers already found in Italy, Germany or Belgium. In France, the company hopes that its product (sold at a price of €2,880 excluding tax) will soon be eligible for a full refund, so that it can become more democratic. Because the public would be wider than we think and would have multiple applications.

“We use it every day with adults, children, people with motor and mental disabilities, most often referred by rehabilitation centers, illustrates Pauline Desguerre. For them, it’s a real openness, which brings them all something, depending on their needs: recovering motor skills for some, or simply relaxing, calming down, having fun…” Hippolib is also aimed at riders more confirmed. “It is a hope for them, that of saying that it is possible, despite the handicap, to go back on horseback, believes Emmanuel Blanche. It’s a big gain in freedom. »

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