With monpremiertelephone.fr, Samsung wants to support children who are discovering a smartphone

by time news

Nine years and nine months. This is the average age at which a young French boy receives his first smartphone, according to a Mediametrie survey conducted in 2020. And 87% of 11-12 year olds say they regularly use at least one social network (excluding YouTube), according to a Heaven agency study carried out this year. “It may come as a surprise when you know that you have to be at least 13 years old to register,” notes Olivier Oger, vice-president in charge of CSR (corporate social responsibility) issues at Samsung France. But it is a fact. »

It is to stick to this reality that the leading seller of smartphones in France, in partnership with the creator of digital educational resources Tralalere, is launching monpremiertelephone.fr this Thursday. A website, completely free, which we were able to consult in preview, which aims to accompany the first steps of these young users (8-12 years) in the use of their smartphone and the Internet.

Via the “My challenge” section, quizzes, and through the character of Léna, the user can enrich his knowledge on various themes: limiting his screen time, respecting others, protecting himself on the Web, managing his digital identity, etc. “The idea is to help children avoid the pitfalls of the Internet and give them the right reflexes, the right habits, so that they understand the issues,” explains Catherine Chazal, CSR director at Samsung. France. What photos can I publish without authorization on the networks? Which nickname is the most secure? How to react to an aggressive message? What is spam, cyberbullying?…. So many concrete questions that are addressed on monpremiertelephone.fr.

But the website, accessible on computer and mobile, is not limited to the only question – already vast – of Internet browsing. “We go further, the objective is to give all the keys so that young people appropriate their telephone as an object”, continues Olivier Oger. We thus find cards, embellished with drawings, reminding us that it is better, for example, to avoid writing SMS while walking, that it is advisable to keep your telephone in your pocket during a trip, or that you must avoid using the loudspeaker in public. Recommendations not so obvious for first-time users. The central issue of environmental impact is also highlighted.

Parents not forgotten

Even if it is mainly intended for young users, monpremiertelephone.fr is also aimed at teachers, who can draw on educational resources, but also at parents since a space is reserved for them. “Many of them are helpless when their child receives their first phone,” points out Olivier Oger. Who readily cites an Ipsos study carried out for Samsung France at the end of November 2022: more than 1 in 2 parents consider that they do not have the necessary tools to have a discussion with their offspring concerning the use of the telephone. The site intends to fill this gap by providing personalized advice, tutorials and ideas for activities to do as a family.

Parents have a dedicated space.

“Giving a smartphone to a child necessarily requires support, you have to dialogue, share good practices”, abounds Axelle Desaint, director of the digital education center at Tralalere. However, according to work by the Cnil (National Commission for Computing and Liberties) dating from 2020, 82% of 10-14 year olds indicate that they regularly go on the Internet without their parents.

One question remains: isn’t a private player like Samsung taking on these subjects a way of highlighting any shortcomings of the public authorities? “We have to join forces. There are never too many redundant messages in terms of education and prevention,” evades Catherine Chazal. Who also rejects any accusation of disguised advertising: “Even if the name of Samsung appears on the platform, for the sake of transparency, at no time is it promoting a particular mobile model. »

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