With nutritional values ​​such as protein, calcium and fiber: it is allowed and desirable to combine ice cream

by time news

A search for the inventor of the first ice cream reveals that the only certain thing about the origins of ice cream is that its earliest history remains unknown. But there is agreement that this is a culinary achievement.

It seems that the beginning was in China, and the knowledge was transferred during the Renaissance to Europe, mainly to Italy. These were not ice creams, but rather “flavored icebergs”, based on snow. The wholesale production of ice cream began around the 1950s in the United States. The existing knowledge, together with new and improved technological inventions (especially in relation to refrigeration), allowed the production, distribution and storage of Ice cream on a large scale, which made it accessible for mass consumption.

Although today the ice cream industry is developed and sophisticated, at the same time the conditions for making delicious and high quality homemade ice cream have never been better. And you can find easy recipes for making ice cream at home – it is recommended to try.

Some nutritional values

In general, we are ice cream lovers. Ice creams can replace sweets, salty snacks and sweet drinks, and unlike these, they also contain good nutrients.

Dairy ice creams have protein and calcium derived from milk, cream or milk powder. Sometimes the ice cream is enriched with vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium. In reduced-fat ice creams you can find dietary fiber (inulin), which should help create a texture similar to the fatty texture, and in other ice creams you can find fruit.
The variety of ice creams is huge, so the nutritional choice, in addition to the choice of taste, is difficult and complex. Let’s sort it out to help make an informed choice.

air business

One of the significant differences between one ice cream and another is the compression. In the process of making the ice cream, air is introduced. In fact, without air the ice cream will have the texture of an ice cube. Ice creams that contain more air are ice creams whose texture is softer. However, the premium ice creams are often compressed ice creams, contain less air and therefore have a harder texture. Although the volume is the same (in an ice cream scoop), it should be taken into account that more compressed ice cream is more concentrated and necessarily contains more calories per scoop.

clean label

When you buy a packaged product (and not in an ice cream parlor), you can examine its nutritional profile by quickly reading the list of ingredients and the nutritional table.
This recommendation is valid for all food products. Prefer a product where the ingredient list is the shortest and most understandable. A short list of ingredients is often preferable, because that way the product is as close (as possible) to a product that is prepared at home and is less processed. The components in the list appear in descending order. That is, the first component is the component of which there is the largest amount in the product. Pay attention to where the problematic ingredients are located: sugar and vegetable oil. It is desirable that they are not in the first or second place on the list.

Fat percentage

In terms of fat, unless the ice cream is low-fat or fat-free, it contains about 10% fat from milk. Premium ice creams, with a velvety and rich texture, can contain about 20% fat, so the caloric contribution of a dairy ice cream scoop will be higher (in the case of fur – the source is vegetable fat) than that of “sorbet”, whose base is mainly sugar.

Size does matter

The caloric contribution of the ice creams is high. They are delicious and refreshing, and there are those among us who can consume large amounts at once (especially when eating from the family box while watching one or another screen).

You should pay attention and eat one or two scoops of ice cream from a personal plate and not directly from the family box. Note that there is a difference between a saucer that will contain a ball or two and a bowl that even three-four balls will not fill.

When buying at an ice cream parlor, you can start by ordering one scoop, recommended in a glass and not in a cup, which in many cases contains added sugar. If you’re done, and you want more, you can order another pill. Many times people finish the large dish they bought just because it is available.

Ice cream on a stick, i.e. popsicle, is a convenient and easy solution to a measured portion. Boxes of individual ice creams or popsicles (of four, six or ten units each) also help to maintain the consumption of individual portions in a reasonable amount.

A treat for the treat

Similar to an ice cream scoop that goes with a cake or a fruit salad, the ice cream scoop is also topped with a variety of toppings: candies, chocolate chips, cut fruits, crushed peanuts/nuts and a selection of flavored syrups. Sometimes cookies, fruit, chocolate or syrup are part of the ice cream and not just the coating. All of these diversify the dish, but sometimes, even though the amount seems small, their caloric contribution is not negligible. In any case, the addition of fresh fruit is welcome and will sometimes reduce the amount of ice cream.

a small meal

We recommend treating ice cream like a meal. The ice cream is a source of energy and contributes to the feeling of satiety. It is suitable for consumption between meals, the sugar in it is absorbed relatively slowly (due to the presence of fats in the ice cream) and slows down the digestion process and contributes to satiety.

It is recommended not to eat ice cream casually – while walking down the street, standing in the kitchen or while watching a movie (at home or outside). Eating while performing another action results in the consumption of larger amounts. Ice cream should not be treated as a snack but as a small meal. dedicate the moment to her. A personal saucer, sitting at a table – and so we can enjoy more and control the quantities.

And what about the taste?

This is the last section, but actually it should be first. In our menu it is desirable and appropriate to have food products that are tasty, loved and indulgent. Only in this way will we be able to stick to the correct menu for a long time and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also for this reason it is very important to choose a tasty or very tasty ice cream. no less. 

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