“With One Healthon global network we are closer to patients”

by time news

2023-06-30 11:44:45

A conception of health that is increasingly broad and attentive to the needs and risks of citizens, closely linked to the promotion of correct prevention practices and, at the same time, to their implementation on the territory. ‘One Healthon’, the global health network, is born. “This active network makes use of the collaboration of health professionals, citizens, entrepreneurs and sportsmen. Objective: to convey fundamental messages of prevention and health, to be understood in a more global, holistic and One Health way, the claim invoked by the WHO and the Higher Institute of Health, which indicates that we are certainly what we live in terms of health, but we are also connected to the environment in which we live, to the ecosystem and to the animal world”. This was stated by Rossana Berardi, full professor of Oncology and director of the School of Specialization in Medical Oncology at the Polytechnic University of the Marche, in an interview with Allies for Healththe medical-scientific information portal created by Novartis.

The One Healthon project – the article refers – sees the participation of a scientific committee coordinated by Professor Berardi, and made up of Giuseppe Quintavalle, general director of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, Nicla La Verde, director of Oncology at the Sacco Hospital in Milan, Mauro Boldrini, communication director of Aiom, Attilio Bianchi, general manager of Pascale of Naples, Iole Fantozzi, general manager of the Department of Health Protection and Social-Health Services of the Calabria Region and Giorgio Ascoli, scientific director of the University Hospital Foundation of the Marche non-profit organization

The first initiative of the project, launched a few months ago, is the creation of a survey involving about 300 patient associations and more than 150 doctors under 40. The answers obtained have served to precisely identify the main unmet needs on which to intervene to build a true culture of health.

“The first need that has emerged from healthy people and beyond – explains Berardi – is the possibility of accessing free services in the area and being able to carry out checks close to home. In this perspective, stands have already been set up offering specific services in Marche and Calabria and others will follow, thanks to the creation of alliances with those involved in health in the area.Prevention concerns in particular the oncological field and includes, for example, breast examinations and oncological genetics consultancy, but not only In fact, the offer also includes dermatological and dental visits and preventive interventions for cardiovascular diseases, which have very high levels of incidence in our country”.

The One Heathon program will be further enriched in the coming months, reaching other Regions and giving life to various types of initiatives. “We are already scheduled with webinars and podcasts to reach even the younger generations – remarked Berardi – to address issues of important transversal interest, from sexually transmitted infections, to the sun, to cell phone use”. From a publicity point of view, a media campaign on national television is planned for the end of August, linked to a fundraising that aims to finance the activities.

The full article is available at: https://www.alleatiperlasalute.it/il-dialogo-conta/one-healthon-la-rete-globale-della-salute.

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