“With openings 500-600 deaths per day”

by time news

Covid and reopening, “the deaths will increase, they can even reach 500-600 per day“. The virologist Andrea Crisanti, director of Microbiology and Virology at the University of Padua, said this to the microphones of ‘A sheep’s day’ on Rai Radio1.” If we continue to stay in the current situation, we will be able to arrive within a month to a few dozen deaths “he explains.” The risk – emphasized Crisanti – are people who die and I can assure you that most do not die in intensive care, he dies alert and suffocated, which is a horrible death. So – he concluded – we also talk about these things because the risk is not only social, but also of the individual person to whom we make this risk run “.


I will not go to the restaurant from Monday, because I am convinced that it is wrong, I want to set a good example. “” How to help these activities? I think restaurateurs should be given exactly what they said in their taxes – affirms the virologist -, lira for lira, or rather euro for euro “. As for the shift of the curfew from 10pm to 11pm” it is irrelevant, let’s say that the only difference is that at 11pm the restaurants can do two shifts and therefore more receipts “.

Yellow zones and climate

The yellow areas will certainly return to orange or red, just look at Sardinia that has changed from white to red. IS let us not be under any illusions about climate aid: Brazil has an average temperature of 26 degrees and last year Israel went into lockdown in mid-August, so … “.” What you can learn about that transition from Sardinia – stressed Crisanti – is that when you removing the restrictions, the control measures are no longer sufficient, so it is clear that the whole dynamics of the epidemic is unbalanced in favor of the virus “. And also” the yellow zone alone does not work, let’s look at the case of Veneto in the second wave – he highlighted – it remained the yellow zone all the time and it was the region that, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, had the greatest number of cases and deaths “.

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