With overrepresentation, 4T will be able to initiate impeachments

by times news cr

2024-07-31 07:34:26

The overrepresentation that is emerging will be obtained Morena in the Chamber of Deputies This will allow him, in addition to making constitutional changes without the need for opposition votes, to initiate impeachment proceedings without the votes of other parties.

According to the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Dulce Maria Sauri Rianchothe overrepresentation of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, This could lead to the integration of the Investigative Section, which consists of four deputies, being completely Morenoist and with this, the process of impeachment of any legislator or governor may be initiated.

“In the next Moren LegislatureHe can appoint four deputies from his own political party, and he will be able to proceed to strip anyone of their immunity, including any senator, deputies and governors,” he said in an interview with 24 HOURS the deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (AT).

Article 45 of the Organic Law of the General Congress of the United Mexican Statesestablishes that the draft opinions of the Investigative Section and those of the commissions in charge of resolving matters related to charges or the establishment of responsibilities, as well as impeachment and declaration of origin, will only be passed to the Plenary if they are voted on by the majority of the respective members.

The Investigative Section is the body that must establish the existence of the crime and the probable responsibility of a popular representative, as well as the subsistence of the constitutional jurisdiction whose removal is requested.

If in the judgment of the section, the Camera declares that there is grounds for proceeding against the accused, he shall be immediately removed from his employment, position or commission and subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts.

The Declaration of Origin It only occurs during the public servant’s term of office; if his or her employment period ends, it is no longer applicable.

The most recent cases of the 65th Legislature in which the investigating section was installed was October 2023, when it resumed the impeachment process against the Morelos prosecutor, Uriel Carmona.

PHRASE: “In the next Legislature, Morena can appoint four deputies from its own political party, and it will be able to proceed to strip anyone of their immunity, including any senator, deputies and governors.”

2024-07-31 07:34:26

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