With the election of Daniel, they restored hope and faith in God to our humiliated and suffering people – 2024-07-03 07:15:03

by times news cr

2024-07-03 07:15:03

The legendary rhythmic gymnastics coach Neshka Robeva wrote an emotional comment about Daniil’s election as the new Bulgarian patriarch. For her, he is “the most worthy of the worthy”.

Here is the full text published by Neshka Robeva:


Our people are wise! Our people know that a person assumes, but God – disposes!

I’m a believer! But not quite according to church canons…

I believe in Unity. I believe in good. I believe in the beauty and power of Love – in that Divine, All-Forgiving, All-Powerful Love…

I believe in the power of thought, word and prayer…

I believe in predestination, but also in Free Will…

No, I am not afraid of God – I am ashamed. I am ashamed of my mistakes – smaller, bigger and bigger… And I pray, if I deserve it, to be forgiven.

I deeply and strongly believe!

I don’t go to church often. But when it’s hard for me, impossibly hard and sad – I go. To pray… To cry… To seek support… To thank!

I’m not trying to be angry, judge or blame. I don’t try to challenge God’s plan just because I don’t understand it or it doesn’t satisfy me.

I accept her! And I look for the fault, because I believe in God’s justice… I look for it first of all in myself! In our country – his creatures – often spoiled, proud and ungrateful…

I have often violated and am violating God’s commandments. Because I’m only human…

Why am I revealing all this? Because I abhor lies and hypocrisy, especially if it is for one’s own benefit…

And because I want to say out loud – CONGRATULATIONS BULGARIANS!

Just a day ago, our clergy made their free choice by appointing as the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the most worthy among the worthy…

By giving their voice and trust to Metropolitan Daniel, they restored hope and faith in God to our humiliated and suffering people.


No matter how hard I try to accept humility, no matter how hard it is for me to refrain and pass the stench that surrounds us, I will do it – there is no in this bright day, to mention ill or judge the slanderers. I will not call them foreigners, nor Pharisees, nor infidels, or servants of Satan… And traitors to the Holy Orthodox Faith, I will not call them… They are what they are… God Himself points to Judas! Tests them too…

Fortunately, once again God himself spared Bulgaria and restored the faith of many by intervening in the election of our Patriarch – Daniil…

It will be difficult. Sometimes it will seem impossible to us… But once he took the Cross, He will carry it with dignity!

All the way!

For God will be his guide…

I am not a church person.

I don’t know Canon…

But I am sure of one thing – He is God’s chosen one!

And let him never forget the words of one of the martyrs of the BOC – Metropolitan Kliment Tarnovski – “There is Orthodoxy in our country – there is a Bulgarian people, there is no Orthodoxy – there is no Bulgarian people!”, and let him know that as God’s vicar and people’s shepherd, some will they slander him, others envy and deny, but many will follow him with faith and trust…

“Many summers of Patriarch Daniil – the White Swallow of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church…

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