“With the obligation to quintuple tampons, cost 21 million per day”

by time news

Compulsory green pass at work and in sport, “an estimated 5 times increase in the daily tampons needed, for a total cost of over 21 million euros per day”. The High School of Economics and Management of Health Systems (Altems) of the Catholic University, Faculty of Economics, Rome campus estimates this in its weekly report on Covid-19, which underlines: “Currently an average of 274,680 daily swabs are carried out (data for week 4-11 October) “, while” it is estimated that from 15 October onwards 1,519,188 tampons per day will be required, for a maximum daily cost of 21,147,929 euros “.

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“The obligation of the Green pass will require a great economic and organizational challenge in these days – says Americo Cicchetti, director of Altems – According to the data processed by us, the average daily supply capacity of tampons will increase by 5 times more. trend we recorded in the last week, reaching a maximum daily cost of over 21 million euros. The calculation was estimated starting from the data provided by the anti Covid-19 vaccine report updated at 5.13 pm on 12 October by the Prime Minister of the ministers, in which the absolute number of people vaccinated with the first dose and second dose and the number of vaccinable persons are specified, by age group “.

“So – continues Cicchetti – we proceeded to elaborate the estimate of the unvaccinated people for the following age groups: 12-19 years, associating them with the Green pass requests for sport reasons, and 20-69 years, associating them with the requests Green pass for work reasons. The percentage of people who practice sport continuously equal to 54% and the employment rate at the age of 15-64 equal to 58.1% were applied to this audience. to the daily tampons that will be requested the controlled price indicated until 31 December 2021, equal to 8 euros for the population 12-18 years and 15 euros for the population over 18. These 21,147,929 – estimates the director Altems – if projected to 30 days far exceed the Fund for innovative oncological drugs set aside for 2021 “.

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