With tuition fees you can deduct up to 25 thousand pesos

by times news cr


This return to school, parents will be able to deduct up to 25 thousand pesos in taxes for the category of tuition feeshe pointed out College of Accountants of Mexico.

Rodolfo Jerónimo Pérez, member of the Technical Fiscal Commission of the school, recalled that the Income Tax Law (ISR) makes teaching expenses at levels included in the tax system tax deductible. basic education and up to high school.

This, he indicated, is for individuals who file their declaration where they can include the payment of private school that they do.

According to the law, he commented, this applies if the payment you make is for your spouse or the person with whom you live in concubinage in addition to their parents or children.

Jerónimo Pérez explained that the payment for preschool is deductible up to 14,900 pesos, private primary schools with a limit of 12,900 pesos, secondary schools for 19,900 pesos and in the case of technical professional for 17 thousand pesos if it is for high school When filing the declaration, you can get up to 25 thousand pesos as a refund.

Part of the documents required to claim this benefit from the Treasury is to have a tax status letter and proof of payment for these tuition fees. The specialist stressed that also School transportation expenses can be deducted, when this is mandatory or when said expense is included in the tuition fee.

“It is worth mentioning that the above are the only ones that are allowed to be deducted. Any other concept, for example payment for the Bachelor’s degree or skills courses are not deductible. School supplies and tuition fees are also not deductible. registration”, Perez explained.

Regarding the return to the classrooms, the National Confederation of Business Chambers (Concanaco), projected that this year an economic spillover of 125 billion pesos is estimated, which means an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous cycle.

Octavio de la Torre, leader of the business body, stated that the businesses with the greatest increase in sales in this period are the stationery stores, bookstores, uniform stores, clothing stores, shoe stores and department storessince it is estimated that on average an investment of 9 thousand pesos is made per student. Starting on August 26, which is the official return to classes, more than 24 million students will return to the new 2024-2025 school year.

While the Concanaco projects that the expenditure only for basic school supplies will be 861 pesos and 813 pesos for backpack and lunch box, the National Alliance of Small Business Owners He noted that the cost for each child in a family can exceed 9,500 pesos with uniforms, supplies, shoes and everything necessary.

Concanaco He recommended planning purchases and comparing prices and products before making the purchase, and also highlighted the importance of going to formal stores and not buying school supplies on the street, since the expense can go with all school supplies between 1,500 and 2,400 pesos per month. each family member.

This year the return to school takes place in the midst of an economic scenario where consumer inflation is 5.57% and product prices are sky-high, a situation that reinforces family financial stress.

The platform Paynom The survey on labor welfare showed that in Mexico there is no savings culture, which is why 75% of people face liquidity problems before receiving their paycheck.

“Financial health is the state that allows people to manage their finances properly. This allows them to deal with their daily expenses, as well as negative changes in their income and unexpected increases in their expenses, in addition to achieving their goals and taking advantage of opportunities.”

2024-08-17 15:07:15

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