“With you, all dead”. The dem Sandra Zampa and the jackals of the flood

by time news

2023-05-20 05:11:00

The people of Twitter are unforgiving. So Roberto Saviano, as soon as he published the pistolotto on the climate change denier government, gets a vitriolic comment: “Let me understand, the Emilians are under water because the government would deny climate change?”. For the writer everything is clear: the blame for what is happening in Emilia Romagna falls on Palazzo Chigi. “Denying climate change as this government does (…) is a very serious act of which today thousands of Italian citizens, from Ischia to Emilia Romagna, are paying dearly for the consequences”. No exceptions are allowed: “Climate change is not an opinion: it’s a fact.” For him, listening to climate “deniers” is like “hearing Holocaust deniers or those who still say the Mafia doesn’t exist.”

Still on the subject of «jackals». Sandra Zampa is particularly active on Twitter. Senator of the Democratic Party, former right-hand man of Romano Prodi, former Undersecretary of Health with Roberto Speranza, close to the governor Stefano Bonaccini, in the last 48 hours she has not missed anything. You earlier accused Palazzo Chigi of not having acted on the front of “maintenance of the territory” – “but this government that declares itself incapable of using all the resources allocated by the Pnrr, has it realized how necessary and urgent it is?” – then she, in the face of the objection that maintenance concerns a region where the Democratic Party has governed “for centuries” – she lost her temper: “Thank goodness. We would all have died with you (of the right, ed). Ever since the earthquake.”


A fall in style that the senator herself must have realized, given that the tweet was deleted. Woe to touch them Bonaccini, however. When the conversation turns to the possible responsibilities of Emilia Romagna, Zampa replies with an «ahahaha». Shifting attention to climate change has one effect: it shifts the debate. After all, Zampa, in an interview with Radical Radio on May 4, when asked about the “responsibility” for the flood, took it out on “climate change (…) someone thinks that everything can be solved by making fun of Greta Thunberg” . It’s a pity that Zampa contradicts himself a little later, recalling that «Romagna has always been a fragile land» and therefore shifting attention to the need for maintenance.


Il Fatto Quotidiano, on the other hand, mocks: on the front page it publishes a cartoon by Natangelo which imitates “open to wonder”, the campaign of the Ministry of Tourism to launch, through a Venus in the role of an influencer, the artistic and Italian culture. Yesterday Venus appeared with her eyes wide open, standing on a dinghy, under the inscription “Italy, open to environmental disaster”. The other major defendant is, in fact, the Pnrr. “The funds must all be used well, in particular for the care of the territory and the impact of the changes”, intimates Chiara Braga, group leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber. The M5S parliamentarians of the Environment and Public Works commissions do the same: «In the Pnrr there are almost 15 billion destined for the care of the territory, of which 2.5 for interventions on rivers and streams and for the management of water resources. It is the same sum estimated for the bridge over the Strait of Messina». “The works on instability cannot be completed in two years, so the Pnrr is not the solution”, cuts short Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment. Then there is Angelo Bonelli, one of the leaders of the Green-Left Alliance, who asked Giorgia Meloni to convene a “table to arrive at the approval of a national framework law on the climate, which would give a structural response to these meteorological events extremes», indirectly charges the Prime Minister with responsibility for what is happening in Emilia Romagna.

#dead #dem #Sandra #Zampa #jackals #flood

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