Withdrawals of Pis quotas for Caixa workers

by time news

2023-07-29 18:10:46






Withdrawals of Pis quotas for workers at Caixa With the Social Integration Program (PIS), private initiative employees have access to the benefits determined by law and also contribute to the development of companies in the sector.


Through Complementary Law No. 7/1970, the Social Integration Program (PIS) was created. The program sought to integrate private sector employees with company development. The payment of PIS is the responsibility of Caixa​.


Parallel to the creation of the PIS, Complementary Law No. 8/1970 instituted the Public Servant Asset Training Program (PASEP), through which the Union, States, Municipalities, Federal District and territories contributed to the fund destined for employees in the sector public. Payment of PASEP is made by Banco do Brasil.​

PIS – Understand the Program

The PIS-PASEP Fund is the result of the unification of funds constituted with resources from the Social Integration Program – PIS and the Public Servant Asset Formation Program – PASEP.

This unification was established by Complementary Law nº 26, of September 11, 1975, effective from July 1, 1976, regulated by Decree nº 78.276/1976, and today managed by Decree nº 4.751 of June 17, 2003.

Since 1988, the PIS-PASEP Fund has not collected funds for individual accounts. In addition, art. 239 of the Federal Constitution changed the allocation of funds from contributions to the PIS and PASEP, which are now allocated to the Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador – FAT, to fund the Unemployment Insurance Program, the Salary Allowance and financing of Economic Development Programs by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – ​​BNDES.

How it works

Until 10/04/1988, employers made contributions received by the PIS/PASEP Participation Fund, which then distributed amounts to employees in the form of quotas proportional to salary and length of service

Reasons for withdrawal of PIS Quotas

The amounts deposited referring to the Social Integration Program, distributed by companies to employees registered in the program between 1971 and 10/04/1988, are available for withdrawal once the Salary Bonus Payment and earnings calendar has started, regardless of the month of birth holder, provided that one of the reasons provided for by law is met, namely:

All beneficiaries, in accordance with Law 13.932/2019;


Age equal to or greater than 60 years;

Disability (of the participant or dependent);

Transfer to paid reserve or retirement (in the case of the military);

Elderly and/or disabled person reached by the Benefit of Continued Provision;

Malignant Neoplasia – Cancer – (participant or dependent);

SIDA/AIDS (of the participant or dependent);

Diseases listed in Interministerial Ordinance MPAS/MS 2998/2001 (participant or dependent);

Participant’s death (situation in which the balance of the account will be paid to the holder’s dependents or successors).

Events 27 – Construction/Renovation of Housing and 43 – Marriage, which also allowed the withdrawal of Quotas, were extinguished as of Complementary Law nº 26/1975 and the Constitution of 1988, respectively

Once one of the requirements is proven, the payment of PIS Quotas can be made at any time, except for reasons of age, whose withdrawal date will be announced shortly.

PIS income

The worker registered with the PIS/PASEP Fund up to 10/04/88 and who has not yet withdrawn the balance of quotas in the individual participation account is entitled to PIS income.

If there is no withdrawal, the amount will be added to the balance of quotas.

ATTENTION: According to CD PIS/PASEP Resolution No. 01, of April 15, 2020, payments of PIS Quotas and Income will be suspended as of May 1, 2020, for migration from the PIS/PASEP Fund to the FGTS .

income withdrawal

You can receive PIS income:

Through account credit, when the worker has an individual account at Caixa, with a positive balance and movement in recent months.

At Caixa, Correspondendo Caixa Aqui and Loterias ATMs, using the Citizen Card.

At a Caixa branch

Identification documents:

ID card

Driving License (new model)

Employee Card recognized by Decree

Military ID

Foreigners Identity Card

Passport issued in Brazil or abroad


#Withdrawals #Pis #quotas #Caixa #workers

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