“Withdrawing from Afghanistan was a mistake.” The reactions of Italian politics to the Afghan crisis

by time news

Time.news – The Afghan crisis questions and worries Italian politics while it expects the government to come and report to the Chambers. The date has not yet been fixed, but since the last few hours it has not been ruled out that the Foreign and Defense Ministers, Luigi Di Maio and Lorenzo Guerini, can carry out their information, in the competent committees, by the end of August.

In the meantime, among the constitutional parties (from Renzi to Meloni, to Salvini), there is no shortage of rejections to the decision to withdraw the international contingent from the country, now occupied by the Taliban. Indeed, there are those – such as the former vice president of the Berlusconi II government Council, Marco Frollini – fear the end of NATO with the precipitate of events. At 9.30 pm, as is expected, the Air Force flight for the repatriation of the Italians present in Afghanistan will take off from the Kabul airport. the country by this means “, reads the text.

Minister Luigi Di Maio is following the operations in contact with the Farnesina Crisis Unit and with our embassy in Kabul, while all the other Western embassies are also emptying themselves with military flights sent from the various capitals, while maintaining a representation in the airport of the capital. For his part, Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini has already reassured all those Afghans who in recent years have collaborated, in administrative functions and / or as interpreters, in the Italian mission.

There is a maximum commitment to transport those who have collaborated with us to Italy. I believe it is a moral duty even before a political one and it will have to be really effective and important, taken to the highest level “, he said. The withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan” is a historic mistake “, Matteo Renzi observes.” I respect but do not agree with Biden’s position – explains the leader of Iv – in line with Trump who first wanted an agreement with the Taliban. With them it is impossible “.

And if Gino Strada said that military interventions are always wrong, the former prime minister is not of the same opinion: “Strada con Emergency has treated millions of people. When we talk about him, we must always say” Thank you “. His political ideas instead They can be discussed. I happened to do it face to face. And when he told me that there is no just war I thought of the partisans and the war against Nazism. My generation knew the shame of Srebrenica and Rwanda. Unlike Gino. I think there are cases in which armed intervention is necessary “.

Sometimes, he notes, “wars are inevitable, but politics can prevent them. Italy, which has saved so many lives in that Herat now in the hands of the Taliban, has an opportunity. In two months, Rome hosts the G20 with the authoritative presidency Alongside the pandemic, the environment and the economic recovery, the international terrorism dossier must be reopened. The risk is that extremists will raise their heads from Kabul to Maputo. We need an international coalition that will take stock of the mistakes of recent years but will not let land at the gorges “.

Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni do not discount: “Italy, Europe, the West: shame! Leaving women and children in the hands of Islamic throat-cutters, after years of battles and suffering, is not human. Someone in the government should re-read ‘La rabbia e l ‘pride’ and ‘The strength of reason’ of the great Oriana Fallaci “, writes the secretary of the League, while the president of FdI declares:”Disastrous handling of the Afghanistan dossier by the Biden democratic administration. The Taliban took back Kabul and the entire Afghan nation with extreme ease, also coming into possession of Western weapons and means. Local allies of the West abandoned to their fate. A fool for the whole West which will foment the fundamentalists and which will have serious repercussions also for our security. It just wasn’t possible to do worse than that. Welcome back to the cynical Obama – Clinton – Biden doctrine: ‘If you can’t win, it creates chaos’. “

The president of Liguria and founder of Cambiamo !, Giovanni Toti, also enters the debate: “Waking up in August and reading that the Taliban are entering Kabul, with the stampede of all the Western representatives, gives me the chills. I think there are some chills. wars for which it is right to sacrifice: this is one of them. Seeing the richest, most fortunate, advanced part of the world, fleeing into the night, puts a bit of shame. When Nazism was rampant in Europe there were those who he asked if it was worth dying for Gdansk. It was worth it, perhaps as it would be worth fighting for Kabul now, “he stresses.


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