Withholdings, dairy and biofuels: the countryside had more prominence in the second presidential debate

by time news

2023-10-09 18:59:01

The second presidential debate, held this Sunday at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), left more definitions related to agriculture unlike its first edition, when the sector went almost unnoticed.

“We value the fact that more has been said about the field than in other debates. It is a positive aspect. Although it has been used for political chicanery, we highlight that the issue of withholdings and exchange rates are on the candidates’ agenda,” said the president of the Argentine Rural Society (SRA), Nicolás Pino.

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However, his vice Marcos Pereda stated: “We Argentines are worried about what is coming after December 10 and, with a bankrupt State without reserves, we do not hear many alternatives. “We would have liked to hear how they plan to recover our country’s economy with the axis of productive development, because we are convinced that the country’s problems are solved with the growth of the sector.”

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During the debate, Javier Milei from Libertad Avanza asked the governor of Córdoba and candidate for We do for our country, Juan Schiaretti: “Both Together for Change, and Unión por la Patria, want to maintain the withholdings, while we want to eliminate them from rennet. Can you tell us what would best suit your location?”

When asked, Schiaretti was forceful: “I have always said that withholdings on agricultural exports must be eliminated. We are the only ones who have had that position for a long time. “It is a confiscation that they do to the productive interior from the metropolitan area.”

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Schiaretti also clashed with the Minister of Economy and Union for the Homeland candidate, Sergio Massa, when he reproached him for not having declared the dairy a regional economy, and that they had only temporarily suspended, for 90 days, the payment of the withholdings on dairy products.

Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, Sergio Massa, Juan Schiaretti and Myriam Bregman starred in both editions of the presidential debate. (Photos: AFP, Reuters and Télam).

In turn, he noted: “They put their foot on the field. You increased your withholdings as soon as you took office and you don’t want to lower them. This causes the Pampas region to spend billions of dollars a year to the National Treasury. From Córdoba we put US$3.4 billion a year into this confiscation that the national State makes of us.”

For his part, Massa highlighted that they carried out a reduction in withholdings on peanuts, milk and tobacco, which benefits several provinces.

In that sense, the national official reproached Schiaretti for his deputies having voted in favor of increases in some taxes during the presidency of Mauricio Macri. “They come here and talk about getting the paw off their heads, but then they double the taxes.”

In this regard, Schiaretti retorted that Córdoba has the lowest gross tax rate in Argentina, 2.51% versus 2.93% that averages in the rest of the country. Meanwhile, Massa denied that statement with his head.

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Meanwhile, within the block on “human development, housing and environmental protection”, Schiaretti criticized the Government for having lowered the cut of biofuels in diesel. “They harmed producing provinces such as Santa Fe, Córdoba and Tucumán, and increased the carbon footprint. We must raise the cut to 20% in biodiesel and 27% in bioethanol, and from there up.”

In the “work and production” section, Bullrich stated: “We defend those who work, not those who block companies. Here I am accompanied by Paulina, from Lácteos Mayol, who closed her company due to a blockade.”

In this way, with different approaches and protagonists, the field had a more predominant role in the second and last presidential debate before the elections on Sunday, October 22. In case there is a runoff, a third debate will be held on November 12 at the UBA.

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