Within a year: 40,869 immigrants landed in Israel

by time news

On the eve of Pesach, the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption publishes the extraordinary data of immigrants who immigrated from Pesach last year to this Pesach, according to which 40,869 immigrants immigrated to Israel. Nearly 7,000 of the immigrants who immigrated from last year to the present day are children aged 0-12 and close to 2,000 aged 13-17. Nearly 12,000 immigrants are aged 18-35 and a similar number are aged 36-60. About 10,000 immigrants are over the age of 60.

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption notes that Operation Immigrants Home to save Ukrainian Jewry continues, and in the last day alone 357 new immigrants and those entitled to the Law of Return immigrated, of whom 243 immigrated from Ukraine, and the rest from Russia and Belarus. Since the start of Operation Home Immigrants, some 13,500,000 immigrants have immigrated, the vast majority from Ukraine. During the holiday, tonight Friday, the eve of the holiday, when the people of Israel sit and dine on Seder night, an immigrant flight with over 100 immigrants will land. During the holiday, tonight, the largest (and split) Seder night will be held in Israel, with over 4,000 immigrants participating in about 40 hotels rented by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption.

Minister of Immigration and Absorption Pnina Temano Sheta will stay with her family in one of the hotels in the center of the country. In addition, some of the employees of the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption will spend Seder night with the immigrants staying in the hotels. In every hotel, a Seder night will be held as usual with the immigrants led by rabbis from Beit Hillel, Chabad, the Rachel Heritage Foundation and the Rabbinical Association.

Minister of Immigration and Absorption Pnina Temano Sheta: “Over 13,000 new immigrants who immigrated as a result of the war are absorbed daily by employees of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption throughout the country with diligence and sensitivity, and the work is still extensive. As part of the “Immigrants for the Holiday” campaign, hundreds of families around the country will host at their Seder table the families of new immigrants who have just passed their private exodus from Egypt, for a very exciting moment. “

“The new immigrants will be absorbed in Israel thanks to the professional guidance and the many rights we give them – such as the monthly rent assistance for their first year in the country, but for truly optimal absorption, the warm embrace and open heart of Israeli society are most necessary and proud. I myself chose to celebrate Passover with the new immigrants and sing with them – what will change? Because for them, basically everything has changed. Happy Independence Day, to the more than 13,000 new immigrants who will celebrate their first holiday with us, and to the whole house of Israel. ” Added.

Photo: Courtesy of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption

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