Without closures or quarantines, Joe Biden looks for how to deal with the Omicron variant of coronavirus

by time news

The lines at vaccination centers throughout much of the United States are stretching. Until a few weeks ago they had been empty, even thousands of vaccinations had closed, because most Americans had obtained their two doses and they felt safe.

But now many are putting their arm back to the “booster”, the third booster dose, especially now that the alert is extended for the Omicron variant and the harshest winter is approaching.

President Joe Biden is concerned about the issue, but wants the population not to be alarmed because there is not yet too much data on the new variant that for now seems to be expanding rapidly, although without severe consequences. Will it be more or less serious than Delta? Still not known.

That’s why Biden, advised by his body of advisory scientists, announced on Thursday a series of measures to protect the population of Omicron and at the same time not hurting the economy, how much it has cost him to recover.

Signs at the San Francisco airport. Photo Bloomberg

“We developed this plan that does not include closures or confinementsBut rather widespread vaccination and boosters, testing and much more, “Biden said in a speech at the National Institutes of Health.

The vaccine

The new measures include expanding the scope of vaccines throughout the United States, with the acceleration of third doses and programs to get vaccinated those who resist doing so.

Only 59% of Americans are immunized with the full regimen, and 21% of the population has already received a booster dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Also the White House will promote “mobile” clinics of family vaccination, which will reach remote areas and where all members of a family can get first or second doses or booster doses.

Biden also announced a tightening of the COVID testing protocol before departure for all inbound international travelers, and the introduction of a negative test carried out 24 hours before leaving for the United States.

In the United States there are already three cases of the Omicron variant.  Photo Bloomberg

In the United States there are already three cases of the Omicron variant. Photo Bloomberg

Before it was 72 hours prior to boarding. For the moment, quarantine will not be required for these people, although the White House has not ruled out strengthening its measures if necessary.

I had already announced that restricted access to people from South Africa and six other South African nations, where the variant was first identified.

The president also announced a plan to expand the mandatory use of chinstrap on domestic trips until mid-March and thus postponed the measure that was to expire in January.

In addition, he announced that will strengthen the testing infrastructure in the country, by increasing access to tests that can be done at home, which from January will be free or will be compulsorily covered by private health insurance.

The treatments

It will also ensure the supply of Covid treatment pills once they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Finally, Biden also announced that his Government will deliver 200 million more doses to other countries in the next 100 days, that is, until mid-March.

The White House plan seeks contain the impact of the pandemic this winter avoiding disrupting the economy and having to close schools.

“We will fight this variant with science and speed, not with chaos and confusion,” promised Biden, insisting that “panic” should not reign at the emergence of this new variant.

In the United States already three cases have been detected of Ómicron: one confirmed on Wednesday in California and two others that the authorities of Minnesota and Colorado announced this Thursday.

While those infected in California and Colorado had traveled to South Africa, the one from Minnesota had just returned from New York, where he had attended a massive convention.

Despite Omicron’s Advancement, Biden Believes America Is Entering This Winter “From a position of strength” in the fight against the pandemic compared to the same period last year, when vaccines were not yet available.

But, he added, experts predict that COVID-19 infections “will continue to grow in the coming weeks” in the country, due in part to the skepticism of many Americans who still resist being vaccinated.



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