Without mention of María Corina Machado: Peru calls on the Venezuelan dictatorship to comply with the Barbados agreements

by time news

María Corina Machado. Peruvian Foreign Minister and President Dina Boluarte in official activity. Photo: EFE/Andina

Without mentioning the opposition leader María Corina Machado, the Government of Dina Boluarte expressed this Tuesday its concern about the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela, which ratified the disqualification of the politician from participating in the presidential elections of that year. country.

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Through a brief statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro to comply with the Barbados agreements, “signed last October and supported by the international community,” to “guarantee the holding of free presidential elections, democratic and that respect the will of the people.”

The Boluarte administration had remained silent in the face of Machado’s judicial veto until 2036, despite the fact that the day before the Municipality of Lima, led by Mayor Rafael López Aliaga, condemned the Chavista maneuver and called for the Venezuelan presidential elections, planned for the second half of 2024, they will be developed with “transparency, with the free participation of all candidates and with international observers.”

The measure, which seeks to take the prominent opposition figure out of the electoral game, has been rejected by Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay and the United States, among others, as well as by international organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS).

Communiqué from the Municipality of Lima

The White House has also spoken out about the measure and warned the dictatorship that it has a limit until April, when Washington’s temporary lifting of several sanctions on Venezuelan oil and gas ends, to comply with the agreements reached with the opposition before for the US to make decisions on sanctions.

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Machado has been grateful for the “overwhelming” international response in rejection of the ratification of her disqualification, a measure that, on the contrary, has obtained the mutis of regimes such as Nicaragua and Cuba, as evidenced by this graph prepared by Infobae.

Maduro reiterated, for his part, that the decision of the TSJ is “definitely firm”, that the review of the political sanction complies with the mechanism signed in October during the negotiations between the Government and the opposition in Barbados and that, on the other hand, it is the anti-Chavismo who is “partially breaching” the pact by demonstrating “against the TSJ” and its verdict.

“Despite the threats and blackmail of the American empire, Venezuela’s institutions have functioned and I say: Barbados agreement, Supreme Court of Justice, this is res judicata and a definitive decision,” said the dictator. In mid-October 2023, the Chavista regime and the opposition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) signed the so-called “partial agreement on the promotion of political rights and electoral guarantees for all” in Barbados.

File photo of Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado. EFE/ MIGUEL GUTIERREZ

The documents were signed by around twenty members of the negotiating parties, in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Barbados, Jerome Walcott, representatives of Norway, the facilitating country, and other accompanying nations such as the Netherlands, Russia, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. .

Among the agreed guarantees is the updating and purification of the electoral registry, with special days to promote the registration of new voters throughout the country and abroad. Likewise, they committed to the development of all audits provided for in the electoral system and to the promotion of a public discourse that contributes to a political and social climate that favors the peaceful development of the elections “without external pressures.”

The parties, who agree to reject any form of violence in political exercise, agreed to require the authorities to guarantee security and freedom of movement to all presidential candidates, who, in addition, will be freely chosen by each party.

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