Without mentioning Sturaro, Olívia Santana says she is being targeted by the “dissemination of hate by the Bolsonarista gang”

by time news

State deputy Olívia Santana (PCdoB) used her social networks again this Thursday (2) to once again comment on the violent approach made by military police officers against her.

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On the occasion, the communist refuted the statements made by the Colonel of the Military Police of Bahia (PM-BA) and director of the Bairro do Pelourinho/Centro Histórico City Hall, Humberto Sturaro (PL), who came out in defense of the security agents and said that the parliamentarian There is no evidence against the police.

Without citing Sturaro, Olívia said that the statement was “in bad faith” and “dishonest”. Furthermore, the parliamentarian also said that her speech was distorted in Sturaro’s position, which according to her, refers to the situation only regarding the evaluation of a video that has been circulating on social media.

“Obviously, the recording did not take place considering the beginning of everything. So, the people who are in bad faith, who are attacking me, these Bolsonarist gang who use social media to spread hate, are spreading violence against me. I want to say that it is a distortion to take a situation that was already under control, that the police officers already knew who they were talking to, that I am a deputy, and wanting to present this as if it were everything that happened during the approach is dishonest, to say the least. ”, said the legislator.

When remembering the approach, Olívia again defended that the action “is not correct” and that she does not question the need to carry out police approaches, but the way in which they are carried out by security agents.

“We know what we went through and it is not pleasant for me to go through a situation like that and have to talk about this subject. But, I speak because it is important to speak and react. […] because it is not correct. I didn’t question the approach, I questioned the type. What is the code of conduct that indicates that the police must use profanity? […]”, concluded Olivia.

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