Without PT and PL, running for São Paulo City Hall has four quotes; see who they are

by time news

2023-08-13 20:00:08

Dispute for the 2024 elections boosts alliances and already includes three federal deputies

11/29/2020 – FELIPE RAU/ESTADÃO CONTENT Guilherme Boulos, from Psol, leads the electoral race in São Paulo, according to polls

There is little more than a year and two months left for the first round of 2024 elections, and the parties are already intensifying articulations and alliances with an eye on the city halls of the main capitals of Brazil. In São Paulothe largest financial center and electoral stronghold in the country, the dispute is highlighted by a singularity: the election must take place without the presence of candidates from the Workers’ Party It’s from liberal partysubtitles that represent the polarization that marked the national dispute in 2022. Last week, in an event without the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), the PT declared support for the candidacy of the federal deputy Guilherme Boulos (Psol-SP) in São Paulo. The expectation is that the PT members will indicate the name for deputy mayor, while the PL is moving towards formalizing in the coming weeks the “marriage” and support for the re-election of the current mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB), after the formal and far from friendly withdrawal of the federal deputy Ricardo Salles (PL-SP): “Centrão won”. In this scenario, the Young pan prepared a special report on the main pre-candidates for City Hall of São Paulo.

Guilherme Boulos

Today, according to polls, the main candidate for the command of São Paulo City Hall is federal deputy Guilherme Boulos (Psol-SP), considered the name of the left for the dispute in the city of São Paulo. The PT-PSOL alliance agreement has been in the works since last year, during the presidential elections. At the time, in exchange for full support for Lula’s candidacy for the Planalto Palace, Boulos’ party agreed that he would be Lula’s candidate for the command of São Paulo. It is the first time in history that the PT will not launch any candidate of its own for mayor of São Paulo. In addition to PT support, the federal deputy’s candidacy also hopes to win other acronyms for the ticket, such as the PV and the Sustainability Network. As the Jovem Pan website showed, Guilherme Boulos leads the polls with the support of more than 31% of São Paulo voters. In 2020, the psolist reached the second round of municipal elections against then-mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB), winning 2,168,109 votes (40.62%).

Ricardo Nunes

Current mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB) appears in second place among São Paulo voters, with 17.8% of voting intentions. Elected for deputy mayor in the 2020 elections, the emedebista effectively took charge of the city hall after the death of Bruno Covas, in May 2021. Before that, he was a councilor for two consecutive terms, from 2013 to 2021, with the emphasis on having actively positioned himself against the so-called gender ideology. For next year’s elections, Nunes articulates the support of the PL — and of ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, in particular — as the main card to defeat Boulos. In an interview with Young Pan News, the mayor said he hoped to maintain the support of 2020 to oppose the federal deputy, but he highlighted: “I never asked Tarcísio and Bolsonaro for support”. “I try to gain their trust so that we can maintain and have a great alliance next year. My action has been this. And it has also been with Ciro Nogueira from the PP, with Renata [Abreu]from Podemos, Kassab, from PSD, with our dear Eduardo [Leite]of the PSDB”, he pointed out, evaluating the PT-PSOL alliance as precocious.

Kim Kataguiri

Another pre-candidate already confirmed for the 2024 elections in São Paulo is federal deputy Kim Kataguiri (Brazil Union). MBL leader (Movimento Brasil Líder), the politician won the União’s internal primaries after receiving just over 56% of the votes, defeating state deputy Guto Zacarias (União Brasil-SP), who had 43.9% support among the members. In participation in the program Straight to the pointyes Young Pan News, the deputy said he sees himself as the right-wing best option for city hall. “I’m a pre-candidate to say the following: ‘Do you want to be a criminal? All right, you’re going to be a bandit outside the city of São Paulo. Inside the city, you won’t be’. Here, we are not going to maintain this paltry 2% budget for public safety, which is the same as that of the City Council. This is complete nonsense.”

Tabata Amaral

Another name that stands out for the City Hall of São Paulo is that of the also federal deputy Tabata Amaral. Although she is currently affiliated with the PSB, the parliamentarian is one of the names considered by the national president of the PSDB, Eduardo Leite (PSDB-RS), to represent the tucana party in the next election. In an interview with the program Morning Showyes Young Pan News, the governor of Rio Grande do Sul classified the deputy as a person “truly interested in making a different policy”, but pondered that the invitation to the PSDB would depend on a construction with the municipal directory. “I see her with real interest in the themes of the municipality, (but) we have not advanced in any conversation in that direction. She has time to demonstrate this ability to bring people together to form a team and govern”, assured Leite. In turn, even though she has not announced her pre-candidacy, Tabata has positioned herself on municipal issues and recently starred in an exchange of barbs with Ricardo Nunes. In a video published on social networks in July, the deputy said that the mayor said he was unaware of her work. “But to answer it, I went out into the street to see if, to begin with, people could tell me: who is the mayor of São Paulo”, she wrote in the Twitterpublishing a video in which he questions people about who runs the city.

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