Without RAAM: A law from the coalition was passed with the help of opposition votes

by time news

MK Sharan Hashakel’s bill for a new hope for arranging housing on individual farms was approved with the help of opposition voices, angry and threatening PMs to boycott the Knesset voting day again.

The proposal passed with a majority of 57 supporters against 9 opponents and is scheduled to be discussed in the Interior Committee, but Shekel intends to appeal to the Knesset committee demanding that the law not be discussed with Walid Taha in light of the PM’s opposition, but with the Internal Security Committee with Merav Ben-Ari.

MK Hashekel: “Farmers are collapsing and going bankrupt because the police are unable to deal with the phenomenon of agricultural crime. “Farmers are in the priority circle of the current coalition and we are interested in preserving the life enterprise of farmers in the State of Israel.”

MK Osama Saadi objected: “This is another proper Zionist circle, the voice of Sharan Hashakel but the hands by Smutrich. This is a coalition that cares only for Jewish farmers, what about Arab agriculture? There is training for illegal construction here. “

MK Smutrich: “An important law that will help farmers continue to hold on to pastures and preserve state lands. Finally someone from the right wing in this government is starting to stand his ground. On our. On Zionism. “

At the same time, MK Ophir Sopir passed a proposal to aggravate the punishment for agricultural crime. The court will be entitled to order at the request of the plaintiff or the victim of the offense that confiscated property be transferred to the victim of the offense under the conditions specified.

During the debate, a confrontation developed between MKs Ofer Kasif and Meirav Ben-Ari when MK Kasif opposed the proposal and said: “The state is the biggest robber, mainly of its Palestinian Arab citizens, in favor of the Jews. What is the definition of agricultural crime? Burning fields by terrorists is not an agricultural crime. “

Meirav Ben Ari. Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman, Danny Shem Tov

MK Ben-Ari protested and MK Kasif shouted at her: “You will shut up with your chicken screams, except for screaming you are not able to do anything.” MK Ben-Ari came up to answer, and returned the honor of the Knesset. “Who are you to speak to me in this way? How are you not ashamed? Chauvinist merger, racism and hatred of Israel. Every day that you sit in the Knesset is a disgrace to the state. You need to move to parliament in Ramallah. Of your shoes when you talk about Israeli farmers. “MK Dichter replied to Kasif:” Whoever dares to call a woman a chicken is probably a man without eggs! “.

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