without them the survival of the entire Planet- Corriere.it is at risk

by time news

I know the bee disappeared from the face of the earth, man would have only four years of life left. A statement that is (incorrectly) attributed to Albert Einstein, but which well represents the invaluable that these insects represent for the survival of the Planet. As a reminder, World Bee Day has been celebrated on May 20 since 2017 (the World Bee Day): established by the UN in honour of Anton Jansa (Slovenian breeder and painter dn the 18th century, a pioneer of modern beekeeping techniques), this anniversary aims to inform and sensitize citizens on the role of these precious pollinators, which are increasingly at risk of extinction. Belonging to the hymenoptera family, bees make an important contribution to maintenance of biodiversity: it is estimated – in fact – that 90% of the food we eat is the result of their pollination work, endangered by pollution, climate change, intensive use of pesticides for agriculture and diseases. As reported Greenpeace, in Lombardy alone about 10 million bees have been lost in recent months and never returned to their hives.

The population of bees and wasps almost halved

Pollinators, which are one of the biological indicators of the quality of the environment, currently represent one of ecological emergencies more important as they not only die from natural and environmental causes (climate change, loss and degradation of natural habitats, invasion of new species), but also at the hands of man. In just 30 years, from 1980 to 2010, the world population of bees and wasps has shrunk by almost 40%, as the Fai (Federation of Italian Beekeepers) recalls.

BEES, QUEEN OF BIODIVERSITY: for further information

Fai: Beekeepers on the rise but production decreases

According to data released by Fai, beekeepers in Italy are constantly increasing: at least another 10 thousand must be added to the approximately 65 thousand surveyed who, especially among young people, despite the pandemic, are expressing the intention to approach this breeding by following the necessary training courses . Not only that, the constant increase in the national bee heritage was also recorded, which in the last 2020 census reached the share of 1,950,000 hives for an estimated value of 500 million euros. The critical point of Italian beekeeping, however, is that of honey production, whose annual potential value is expected to be around 25,000 tons and which, for the past five years, has been subject to constant reduction due adverse weather conditions and climate change.

Coldiretti: 50 billion bees starving due to the climate

A problem also underlined by Coldiretti, who highlighted how the effects of the crazy climate have upset the blooms and reduced to starvation at least 50 billion bees only in Italy. In particular this year, the boiling winter and the spring marked by repeated frosts have created serious problems for hives in many regions with bees that have not had the opportunity to collect nectar, due to the low temperatures that damaged the flowers. The weather anomalies that have occurred throughout the territory have affected the plants in full bloom with consequences on the honey harvest, while rain and wind have further hindered the foraging activity of bees, to save which sugary substances were administered. . An extraordinary and expensive intervention – concludes Coldiretti – implemented with “Bottle” of syrup based on sugar or honey distributed in the hives to allow the survival of the swarms and the queens themselves.


Wwf: Sign petition to save pollinators

To launch an appeal for the protection of bees also the Wwf Italy. Thanks to them and other pollinating insects, 84% of the main crops grown for human consumption in Europe can improve the quality and yields of products such as fruit, vegetables and nuts. We therefore need to work to prevent the disappearance of pollinators and do something for the future of our food security. As part of the campaign Food4Future the WWF invites citizens – through a collection of signatures – to ask the EU Commission, a ban on the use of the most dangerous pesticides for bees and other pollinators, and more support for organic farming. An important decision to ensure the protection of pollinators provided precisely today in Parliament with the discussion of Ddl n.988 (Provisions for the protection, development and competitiveness of agricultural, agri-food and aquaculture production using organic methods), which could finally become law, on the day dedicated to bees.

The dance of the bees, sentinels of the environment threatened by the man who pollutes the fields
Legambiente: Donate 50 hives to beekeepers and beekeepers

On the occasion of World Bee Day, Legambiente turned the spotlight on again Save the Queen, the association’s campaign dedicated to the protection of these precious pollinators. After theat the Amatrice stage, where 50 hives were delivered to five beekeepers in the areas of central Italy hit by the 2016 earthquake last June, the environmental association and FRoSTA have donated another 50 to five Lazio beekeepers and beekeepers operating within the system of protected areas of RomaNatura and who work every day in respect of natural environments and the safeguarding of biodiversity. 37% of bees – remember Angelo Gentili, national agriculture manager of Legambiente – disappeared in Europe, both due to climate change and pollution in agriculture and the intensive use of pesticides. It means that the turning point can no longer be postponed. Not doing so, on the other hand, means knowingly going to meet an announced disaster.


May 20, 2021 (change May 20, 2021 | 15:57)


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