Wokism against science

by time news

TRIBUNE — Colonization through culture woke strategic forums of political life, history, intellectual life, medicine, geopolitics, artistic expression, legislative initiatives and even defence, to name but a few , raises the question of the risk of extinction of science. Indeed, how can we imagine that the current generation and those that follow are capable of substantial contributions to the heritage of universal knowledge, even though the mental processes, essential to scientific thought, are rejected by two entelechies which feed back each other, or the phenomenon of self-perception and the heroization of the figure of the victim?

For a representative of wokism, the only way to initiate a scientific project is to back it up with a new right, which has as its counterpart demonized agents, producers of phobias. Phobias not as a suffered symptom, but as a violation of the Rights of certain groups, even if the individuals taken apart would not recognize themselves at all in this stereotype. We are therefore transphobic, grossophobic, homophobic, etc. And of course racist.

Defending yourself from being racist by declaring that you do not take skin color into consideration, claiming to be born in a world where racism did not exist, is not enough. Martin Luther King’s “colour-blind” being considered heresy by wokism. This current of opinion, because it cannot be defined as a current of thought, requires making race a hyperbole, contrary to what the champion of civil rights advocated. The color then being the main and sometimes unique identifier, necessarily a victim. It is therefore not a question of slaying arbitrary detestations. In the sense wokesome should rather be exacerbated.

Wokism is another form of converting minorities into dispossessed and exalting miserabilism, such as the West regularly produces, but in a more hateful and resentful version. It is imperative to understand that its field of strategic depth is not the political power that it already inhabited, in all Western countries, but knowledge. One of its figureheads is Robin di Angelo, an American sociologist, white herself, to whom we owe expressions such as “white privilege”bleaching” and other pearls. She maintains that “all academic disciplines are marked by racism insofar as they are the fruit of white thinkers”. Black people, critical of wokism, would be “Uncle Sam” for them. In wokism, everyone must stick to the role conferred by their skin color. Another aphorism by the same author, gleaned at random: “only white people are racist” (only white people are racist). It’s so huge that it should be transcribed in the original version. The pogroms, inter-ethnic genocides in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, are here, null and void .

Culture woke is allergic to the scientific method. Its ultra-ideologized portrayal of history and the central role it assigns to self-perception atrophies everything it discusses.

In most major universities in the West, disciplinary sanctions for things said or behaviors reported as “offensive” have become commonplace, thanks to the concepts sown by the sociologist. The contents of the curriculum vitae are also retouched. Professors are obliged to include in their research a DEI reading grid (acronym for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). Recently, we read a thesis on the impact of the Semitic, Phoenician, Carthaginian religion in the Iberian religion (4th century BC) in which the author had succeeded in introducing the “gender perspective“. Beyond the grotesque dimension, the problem is that of the legacy of these disparate theses. In his essay on the evolution of technology, imitating Darwinian evolution, Georges Basalla maintains that technology is the daughter of technology. Knowledge itself produces knowledge, which is why any censorship or falsification has a butterfly effect on the entire newspaper library.

But who could throw the stone? Self-censorship is understandable in view of the climate of terror. The phenomenon of cancel culture affects both the private and public sectors. During the first week of October 2021, David Romps, Director of the Berkeley Center for Atmospheric Studies (BASC) threw in the towel and submitted his resignation in the face of the decision of the authorities of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), consisting of disinviting a colleague, because of his positions, considered heretical, and the pressure of a group of students declaring themselves offended. Romps had asked the BASC to provide an audience for his colleague. But the pressure will ultimately have been too great for a post-boomer who has not been educated to consider courage and freedom as consubstantial values.

At least one case of suicide is known, victim of the cancel culture. That of Michael Scott Adams, professor at the University of North Carolina and contributor to several publications. He had been removed from his post because of his ironic comments on angry subjects. He took his own life on July 23, 2020. Culture woke hate free speech. Expert in falsifications of all kinds, she has monopolized the concept of fake news. But when that is not enough to destroy the message, it destroys the messenger.

On the side of the students, it is not better. Conservative students are excluded or victimized bullying (harassment, bullying). Good people can be sacrificed in the name of affirmative action, regardless of their skin color, since affirmative action in the 21st century does not seek to break down the infamous racial barrier of the 1960s, but to bring in students who do not do not meet the curricular criteria. Under cover of good intentions, we guess a subtle detestation of intellectual performance and real racism.

Faced with these excesses, organizations have been created with the aim of countering the growing number of attacks. They attempt to break the circle of fear, to account for the difficulty of teaching and conducting investigations in an environment where it is forbidden to think outside of racialist orthodoxy and queer theory. These entities include the Foundation against Intolerance and Racism, the Academic Freedom Alliance and Counterweight. The latter deals more particularly with the case of scientific personnel in distress.

Wokism hates nature. He claims to be ecological and campaigns against global warming, but he ignores the laws of nature. For it is not the same thing to be an ecologist as to be a naturalist, to defend nature against man than to defend nature from man.

These discriminatory behaviors go beyond the borders of the United States. The United Kingdom and France are particularly contaminated. An example of this are the colloquia or summer camps forbidden to whites. The part that happens to be known to the general public is only the tip of the iceberg. Hate happenings woke are much more established than it seems in France and are on the way to becoming the dominant culture.

The paradigm of culture woke consists in burning entire libraries of knowledge, but without replacing them with an epistemologically superior compendium. Culture woke is allergic to the scientific method. Its ultra-ideologized portrayal of history and the central role it assigns to self-perception atrophies everything it discusses. It is insensitive to phenomenology. Inaccessible to science or to any intellectual activity requiring method, honesty, free examination. The fathers of the theory of knowledge and everything related to objectification, to the observation of phenomena, since René Descartes, Emmanuel Kant via Auguste Comte, Thomas Kuhn, Ludwig Wittgenstein or Karl Popper are proscribed when they are not unknown. In the case of white men, their contribution would in any case be subject to repudiation, accused of colonialist patriarchal heteronomy.

Wokism is a terrible form of intellectual terrorism.

The propensity to unbolt the statues, in the surreal process of a process of decolonization, imposes the rewriting of history. Very often these unbolting happenings come to fill huge gaps in general knowledge. Those who unbolt the statue of Christopher Columbus could not cite two features of the life of the Conqueror of India, neither of his relations with the Catholic kings, nor of the royal decrees issued from the 15th century to protect the Amerindians, to keep them outside the jurisdiction of the Inquisition and learn their languages. Or why the bloodthirsty Spaniards, so greedy for gold and silver, have dotted America with universities, since the 15th century, despite the hostility of the conquered territories, despite the cost of the wars of Europe during the two reigning dynasties in Spain which succeeded the Catholic kings? Universities of a splendor that did not even exist in the peninsula, where the spirit of independence was forged and which for the most part are still active today.

Wokism has undertaken in an almost militant way within the framework of the health dystopia to silence all scientists bringing independent analysis to the debate. And each time, the panoply of arguments has been the same: fascist, fake news. Endlessly. There is no “dispute”. No dialectic. Slogans have replaced arguments, anathema has replaced scholarship. The same thing can be said in the context of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, there is a white goose and an executioner. Wokism adores Ukraine regardless of indicators describing a rogue state, champion of human trafficking, arms trafficking and corruption. But the country was dubbed as an offended entity and whatever the arguments that could be alleged on the crimes against humanity committed in the Donbass could not modify the binary reading grid.

The extreme rigidity woke is also due to the poverty of its language. The quasi-loss of verbal forms like the conditional, which implies doubt, without which there is no questioning about the universe, will have consequences in the predisposition to the observation of the phenomena of the following generations. The eradication of feminine and masculine forms demonstrates the lack of attachment to naturalism. Wokism hates nature. He claims to be ecological and campaigns against global warming, but he ignores the laws of nature. For it is not the same thing to be an ecologist as to be a naturalist, to defend nature against man than to defend nature from man. Still, the denial of biological reality and dimorphism may seem like a detail for some, but it induces a culture of foreclosure of physical realities. Or a radical impossibility of producing science.

Inclusive language is the deathblow to intelligence. “Language is not only the expression of man, but man is also the product of his language. Man is articulated as he himself articulates and he disarticulates when he ceases to articulate. “. GuntherAnders, the obsolescence of man

If nothing is done to bring wokism within the framework of an ideology of hatred, obscurantist, draconian, mind-numbing, which it is, it will be necessary to take note that we have entered a new era. From the bronze era to the iron era, the industrial revolution, positivism and now the intelligence of machines. Science is the intelligence of men, technology the intelligence of machines. Any attempt against intelligence makes the machine our adult. And wokism is a terrible form of intellectual terrorism.

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