BOLZANO. Next 7 March will come into force on downgrading of the protection status of the wolf from “strictly protected species” to “protected species”. The proposal was approved last December 3 by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention.
From 7 March, therefore, it will be possible to modify the annexes of the Habitats Directive. The councilor remembers this Luis Walcher in response to a question from Hannes Rabensteiner (Süd-Tiroler Freiheit). Walcher reviews the steps taken so far, underlining that «following the imminent downgrading of the protection status, wolf management measures will be adjusted accordingly, which should facilitate the implementation of removal measures». Rabensteiner wants to know whether the wolf has ever been deliberately reintroduced in Trentino and which wild species have been reintroduced in Alto Adige.
«According to the management plan approved in 2022, it is possible to take a maximum of 6-8% of the population of ibexes of Resia/Brennero: of the annual quota of withdrawals, five out of six are for hunting purposes, while one in six is transferred for the repopulation of the weakest colonies (in recent times in Fundres, Passo Sella and Braies). Among the prerequisites, population surveys play an important role in assessing their conservation status. A recent project, developed over the last two years, involved the liberation of 18 quails (very rare birds of the pheasant family with a similar appearance to partridges) in the upper Passiria valley and on Monte Sole, in Val Venosta. These are specimens from the Bunker Mooseum breeding farm in Moso in Passiria. Some specimens are equipped with GPS, in order to contribute to ethological research.
Finally, since the 1990s the Stelvio National Park has been involved in the project reintroduction of the bearded vulture in the Alpine arc. Since 2001, eleven specimens of bearded vulture have been released into the Park. «Wild animals – concludes Walcher – can be imported or exported from Alto Adige only in the presence of adequate traceability and a recognized reason. Trade in protected wild species is prohibited.”