Wolfgang Joop’s daughter Florentine: “As a child I drew under his desk” – people

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Her father was her best teacher!

She is not only the youngest daughter of fashion designer Wolfgang Joop (77), but also a children’s book illustrator, painter and author.

But instead of being in the limelight, Florentine Joop (48) prefers to live out her creativity quietly at her desk.

Her watercolors can now be admired in the exhibition “100 under 1000” (December 5th / 11th and December 12th, 12pm – 7pm) in the Schindler Lab gallery in Potsdam.

In the BILD interview, Florentine Joop reveals how she gets art and three children under one roof in the Corona crisis and what she learned from her famous father.

Photo: Charles Yunck

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/powerfrau-dreifach-mama-florentine-joop-in-der-potsdamer-galerie-schindler-lab-vor-ihren-werken-sie- 20986e4a5a5b4607a7db36fa3587d266-78438078 / image / 5.image.jpg “/>

Power woman: Triple mom Florentine Joop in the Schindler Lab gallery in Potsdam in front of her works. She paints watercolors and illustrates for magazines and book publishersPhoto: Charles Yunck

There are serious socio-political issues behind her colorful pictures.

Which are they? Florentine Joop: “My picture ‘Fellneid’ is about our extreme envy of the fur of animals like in the book ‘The Naked Ape’. We humans are born naked, that’s why we steal the fur of animals – like rabbits, foxes and minks. “

These would then have to be used for false eyelashes, angora sweaters and fur collars. With her picture “Preys and Predators” she draws attention to the errors in our diet.

Florentine Joop stellt drei von 100 Kunstwerken unter 1000 Euro aus: Eines davon ist ihr Aquarell  "Fellneid" (Price: 500 euros) Photo: Florentine Joop

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/florentine-joop-stell-drei-von-100-kunstwerken-unter-1000-euro-aus-eines-davon-ist-ihr- watercolor – and-q-1b1f7c38d6e24399a8304c62543d74e9-78438034 / image / 6.image.jpg “/>

Florentine Joop is exhibiting three out of 100 works of art for less than 1000 euros: One of them is her watercolor “Fellneid” (price: 500 euros) Photo: Florentine Joop

And “Just Breathe little Merman”, which shows a mermaid who “smokes underwater in his own bubble”, is intended to remind us that we “often forget to breathe in our hectic everyday life”.

Speaking of which! As the mother of three children, how does Joop find the time to paint?

Joop: “I do it as quickly as possible, as bundled as it is possible and as concentrated as it is possible. And you still have a certain amount of practice. ”

She is used to interruptions by now. Joop to BILD: “I have to say, I am so used to this because of Corona. I was constantly interrupted in my work workflow. The children are constantly standing in front of the door and saying: ‘Lessons have been canceled’! “

Das Joop-Aquarell "Preys and Predators" (Price: 560 euros) denounces our errors in nutrition Photo: Florentine Joop

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-joop-aquarell–und-quot-preys-and-predators-und-quot-preis-560-euro-prangert-unsere -irrtuemer-in-der-e-45b5fa9434c3401887564a0d919cdfbb-78438048 / Bild / 6.bild.jpg “/>

The Joop watercolor “Preys and Predators” (price: 560 euros) denounces our errors in nutrition Photo: Florentine Joop

Her trick: “If I know that I have two hours at a time, I call everything up.” Her 11-year-old twins Helena and Friedrich draw “very intensely”.

Joop: “You want to get started with your creativity now. When I paint my watercolors, the two of them sometimes sit next to me and muddle around with the watercolors. It’s also very inspiring and nice when I’m no longer sitting there all alone. “

Seems like all Joops are creative?

Florentine Joop: “If I didn’t sit there and draw, then my children wouldn’t even discover their talent, they wouldn’t take it so seriously.”

You have to learn the profession like anyone else. “It annoys me when someone asks me at almost 50 if I inherited my talent from my father. Because above all it takes a lot of practice and a lot of frustration – that little bit of talent hardly counts ”, says Joop to BILD.

Florentine Joop liebt Widersprüche: Deshalb ist bei ihr die heilige Meerjungfrau eben ein Meerjungmann. Beim Malen des Bildes "Just Breathe little Merman" (Price: 560 euros) she took pleasure in Photo: Florentine Joop

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/florentine-joop-liebt-widersprueche-deshalb-ist-bei-ihr-die-heilige-meerjungfrau-eben-ein-meerjungma-1855954d9a8d4b91ab7d5044fc68128a- 78438050 / Bild / 6.bild.jpg “/>

Florentine Joop loves contradictions: That’s why the holy mermaid is a mermaid with her. While painting the picture “Just Breathe Little Merman” (price: 560 euros), she recalled her smoking days, which ended five years ago, with great pleasure. Photo: Florentine Joop

Many have talent. But: “There are so many gifted people, but where it is missing elsewhere. They then have no stamina or they cannot sell themselves. “

Did she look over her father’s shoulder as a child when he was drawing?

“Naturally. Otherwise you wouldn’t have seen each other at all. My father worked and drew so much. I have this picture in my head as I was sitting under his desk and drawing myself, ”says the illustrator.

And what did she learn from your father? “My father showed me that drawing is serious and not a leisure activity.”

He conveyed to her the value that a drawing and one’s own skills have. And also the value that one’s own ability has. “My father used to say: ‘I’ve come a long way with that little bit of drawing!’ That showed me that something like this is quite possible, ”said Florentine Joop.

1979: Modedesigner Wolfgang Joop mit Ehefrau Karin und den Töchtern Henriette, genannt Jette, und FlorentinePhoto: ullstein – Brumshagen

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/1979-modedesigner-wolfgang-joop-mit-ehefrau-karin-und-den-toechtern-henriette-genannt-jette-und-flor- 3896f00eab384ab3ab66980bb1b5f014-78438054 / image / 6.bild.jpg “/>

1979: Fashion designer Wolfgang Joop with his wife Karin and daughters Henriette, called Jette, and Florentine Photo: ullstein – Brumshagen

Florentine Joop has been married to the Kassel action artist Sebastian Fleiter (49) since 2016. In May 2017, the birth of their daughter Rebecca Franziska Elisabeth (4) made the family perfect. As a blended family, the couple lives on the family estate in Bornstedt.

Is it united when both have such creative professions in a partnership? Florentine Joop: “Yes. That unites in joy and in sorrow … ”

Why sorrow? “Anyone who is creative and has sat at home with their children for the past few months has probably thought about retraining. Since the corona pandemic it has been an incredible juggling and a lot of uncertainty for artists, ”explains Joop.

And further: “You would have so many ideas, could do so much, would be so excited. And then you sit back at home. And everything is banned again or has to be postponed. It is not easy to keep your head up and say to yourself: It will be again! ”

Before the pandemic, her husband was busy with his electrical hotel (Editor’s note: an art power plant where you can charge cell phones with bio-electricity) on the go at festivals. “That hasn’t happened for a very long time and it’s obviously frustrating. Even though we’re both artists and wondering how it’ll all go, we laughed a lot at the same time. ”

Why this? “This constant end-time mood is actually what we have chosen for ourselves as everyday life. We’re both a bit morbid. Incidentally, this is also an incredibly good way to deal with aging well. ”

Seit fünf Jahren glücklich verheiratet: Florentine Joop und der Medienkünstler Sebastian FleiterFoto: STAR PRESS/ AEDT

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/seit-fuenf-jahren-gluecklich-verheierter-florentine-joop-und-der-medienkuenstler-sebastian-fleiter-bc77646d1d9c45f9aec087f1901b9476-78438056/Bild/ 6.bild.jpg “/>

Happily married for five years: Florentine Joop and the media artist Sebastian FleiterFoto: STAR PRESS/ AEDT

In what way? “Gothic has always been a culture of morbidity, of the old, of decay. The youth was never evoked there. Punk is something like that too. Vivien Westwood doesn’t glorify young people either, ”says Joop.

Does the 48-year-old know the fear of aging anyway?

Joop to BILD: “I have to say, I get along with aging incredibly well. Because as a young woman I just didn’t feel at home. My youth wasn’t the time of my life when I felt like I was particularly cool. I was in my mid-30s when I was in my mid-thirties. ”

Joop explains why that was as follows: “As a young woman, I was simply incredibly fearful, insecure and inexperienced. It took me a while and needed a few therapies on how to deal with certain things – with love and plans. After that it was okay. ”

Of course she likes to look at old photos of herself today and think: Wow! “But in the end I know how the time felt for me. I’m so glad I’m not 25. ”

Today she thinks: “You radiate more about how you feel. There is this special sexyness of someone who has just arrived and is cool. ”


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