Woman arrested for withdrawing money with a stolen credit card

by time news


Agents assigned to the Group of Crimes against Persons of the Specialized and Violent Crime Unit (UDEV) of the Police Headquarters of La Rioja have arrested a 51-year-old woman from Logroño, of Spanish nationality, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of fraud.

After carrying out the theft of the victim’s wallet, he tried to carry out three cash withdrawals at an ATM in Logroño.


The investigation began in the month of December, due to the filing of a complaint by the victim in this Superior Police Headquarters, the victim reported that on December 14 the wallet that carried documentation in his name was taken from him and between the that his debit card was found, realizing that on the same day and two hours later, after checking his bank balance, he noticed that they had tried to make numerous money withdrawals at different ATMs with the stolen card.

The author of the facts made three extraction attempts, although she was only able to complete one of the extractions, since the remaining two were blocked.

The withdrawals took place at an ATM located on the same street where the victim was aware that he did not have his wallet, the total amount of the withdrawal amounts to six hundred euros.


The investigation group began the investigative proceedings, including a thorough review of the recordings of the security cameras of the bank, where the withdrawals took place; and after them the agents managed to identify the presumed author of the facts, despite carrying out the facts hiding her face.

The police investigations were able to determine that the author was a woman “known to the police”, whose criminal specialty was none other than stealing purses carelessly.

Next, the agents located and detained the suspect, who has fourteen antecedents, all of them with similar characteristics to the previously reported events.


Credit cards have become an increasingly used means of payment in Spain. For this reason, the National Police advises for safe use that you sign your card immediately when you receive it, that you memorize your PIN and never write it down next to the card or give it to anyone.

It also recommends that you keep the purchase receipts and the receipts from the ATMs and that you periodically check the movements of your bank account and if there is any incorrect amount or you observe any operation that you do not remember having carried out, immediately call the issuing entity of the card .

It also advises that you have on hand the telephone numbers to call in case of loss or theft, that you always check the proof of purchase to verify that the amount is correct and that the total box has been filled in before authorizing. the transaction, that you never lose sight of your card when making a payment, that you make sure that no one sees you enter your PIN at a store or ATM, and that you make sure that no one who could see you typing in your number is watching you.

Likewise, from this police force they advise that if an ATM retains your card for no apparent reason, inform the issuing entity and cancel it; not accept the help of people outside the entity; that if you detect any anomaly in the ATM, such as a strange or suspiciously deteriorated device, you must notify the bank; that if you make a withdrawal at an ATM and do not obtain the money, without the ATM having previously denied it for some reason, check that the dispenser slot does not have any foreign device, and that if* an improper transaction has been made, request your entity to change your credit/debit card number.

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