Woman arrested on suspicion of forcibly hospitalizing her own mother

by time news

Patrícia de Paiva Reis and her partner, Raphael Machado Costa Neves, daughter and son-in-law of a 65-year-old woman, forcibly admitted to a psychiatric clinic on February 6, were arrested red-handed in the city of Rio de Janeiro on Friday (24). By order of Justice, the prison has now been converted into preventive, which guarantees the couple’s seclusion for an indefinite period.

They will answer for the crimes of triple qualified kidnapping and coercion in the course of the process. They planned and carried out the entire action that led to the forced hospitalization of Patrícia’s mother in a psychiatric clinic in Petrópolis, in the mountainous region of the state, without medical justification.

According to the police, the victim has no illness or need for therapy. She was kept in the private health unit to be coerced into recanting a crime report she had made, denouncing mistreatment suffered by her two grandsons, aged 2 and 9, at the Dcav (Child and Adolescent Victim Police Station), two days before.

The woman claims that the grandchildren suffer mistreatment, do not receive food or hygiene properly from their parents. One of the children even has a mental disability, the grandmother said.

When arrested, Patrícia and Raphael did not want to testify.

family thing

On the day of the kidnapping, the pensioner was approached by two men, who put her in an ambulance. She realized that the action was planned by her daughter when she heard one of the criminals say that it was a “family thing”.

At the clinic, according to information from the newspaper “O Globo”, she said she was placed in a room without windows and without ventilation, where she stayed for three days. The woman also said that she had been hungry and thirsty, screaming for help, but getting no help, because even the doctors ignored her. She also reported being taken to a collective space, where she was forced to take medication.

The victim said her daughter and son-in-law went to visit her during Carnival, when they said they would try to disqualify the record she had made at Dcav, claiming ‘mental imbalance’.

After spending a few days at the clinic in Petrópolis, the woman said she was forced into an ambulance again and taken to another psychiatric unit. There, she revealed to a doctor that her daughter intended to keep the entire pension that the two share.

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