Woman develops hemorrhoids during pregnancy; diagnosed with colorectal cancer

by time news

2024-01-08 20:21:29

Through social networks, the case of a woman who was detected went viral. hemorrhoids during pregnancy. However, at that time he did not worry too much because he knew that it could be a side effect from the pressure of the fetus, until a colonoscopy revealed that he suffered Colorectal cancer.

Kristina Kelly, from Atlanta in the United States, developed hemorrhoids during pregnancy of his second daughter, but since it is a common effect of pregnancywas not too alarmed when considering that they would disappear after the birth of her little girl.

Photo: TikTok @Kristinak2023

After the birth of their daughter, whom they named Siena, the hemorrhoids they did not go away, a fact that came to the attention of her doctor during a follow-up appointment. Who when performing a colonoscopy, discovered a cancerous mass. Kristina was diagnosed with stage 3B colorectal cancer.

“They think the cancer was probably causing the hemorrhoids because of the tumor blocking…literally, the hemorrhoids saved my life. The cancer itself never gave me any symptoms,” Kristina commented.

Photo: TikTok @Kristinak2023

What happens if I am pregnant and have hemorrhoids?

Although the hemorrhoids during pregnancy They can be a common sign, it is important to tell your doctor to receive appropriate guidance. In some cases, these types of swollen veins, found in the lower part of the rectum or anus, can develop due to pressure exerted on the abdominal area during exercise. pregnancy.

According to specialists from Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute, About 30 to 40 percent of the pregnant women they usually develop hemorrhoidswhich appear during the third trimester of pregnancy, disappearing up to a month after giving birth.

When should you worry about hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

If you have hemorrhoids during pregnancy and these do not improve following your treatment, for example, with changes in diet, use of creams, ointments or medications, it is best to consult your doctor to detect their origin, especially if they do not disappear after childbirth.

Photo: iStock

On the other hand, the hemorrhoids during pregnancy They are usually a cause for concern when they cause rectal bleeding or pain in the anal area that does not improve with treatment. In these cases, do not hesitate to seek medical attention immediately, because it could indicate a larger problem.

Are hemorrhoids a symptom of colorectal cancer?

Las hemorrhoids They are not usually a typical symptom of Colorectal cancer; These are two different conditions. Sometimes, people with persistent hemorrhoids can be diagnosed with Colorectal cancer simultaneously. However, it does not mean that they are a warning sign of this type of cancer.

A study published by the magazine National Library of Medicine suggests that the patients with hemorrhoids may have almost twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to those who do not suffer from hemorrhoids.

However, it is important to note that these results are specific to this particular study and should be interpreted in that context, as results may vary depending on the population studied.

Photo: iStock

In the case of Kristina Kelly, upon detecting her Colorectal cancer In a still treatable stage, his life prognosis is positive. Therefore, she tries to share her story to raise awareness about timely detection to beat cancer.

“If I can share my story and someone reads it and it forces them to go to the doctor and get checked out and it saves their life, then it’s worth it,” Kelly finished.

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If you are interested in knowing what are thrombosed hemorrhoids and how to treat them without surgery, stay and watch the following video.

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