Woman falls into elevator shaft, dies and is only found three days later; watch video – News

by time news

2023-05-07 07:01:07

A security video from Kualanamu airport, Indonesia, revealed shocking footage of Aisiah Sinta Dewi, hitherto considered missing, falling down the shaft of one of the complex’s elevators.

In the footage, made available recently, the woman appears distracted on the phone, when she realizes that the elevator has stopped, but the doors have not opened.

She strains the structure a little and gets an opening, immediately heading towards the exit. However, Aisiah does not notice the large gap between the elevator and the floor, and ends up falling in a few seconds.

The 38-year-old woman was supposed to find her niece, with whom she was talking on the phone, when she disappeared. According to the Mirror UK portal, Aisiah’s family and her relatives were looking for her at the airport and in the surroundings, believing that the woman could have been kidnapped or something similar.

However, three days later, a smell described as “rotten” coming from the elevator revealed to the authorities what had really happened. The victim’s remains were recovered after a five-hour operation.

To the newspaper, the head of corporate communications at the airport, Dedi Al Subur, said that the accident happened due to a malfunction in the elevator, but that Aisiah should not have tried to open the doors.

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In response, the victim’s brother, Raja Hasibuan, claims that the establishment is completely responsible. “This is a world-class airport. What are these safety standards?”, he questioned.

Raja says he doesn’t believe his sister was to blame, but the poor security at the airport and the lack of protocols and communication around the problem. He also stated that support from the venue staff was “unsatisfactory”.

Delhi Serdang police are waiting for the exam results post mortem of the victim to begin investigations. Also according to Mirror UK, Sumatra’s Ombudsman’s office may indict the airport for “negligence” and “lack of support”.

*Under the supervision of Fabiola Glenia

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