Woman sentenced to life in prison for murdering daughter and attempting to murder son: evidence includes letters and notes

by time news

It was the morning of September 8 that police and ambulance personnel were alerted to a terraced house in Vallentuna municipality. When they arrived at the scene, the woman was found injured, her daughter dead and her son seriously injured. Both children were under the age of 15.

A forensic psychiatric examination has shown that the woman did not suffer from any mental disorder, and that she can therefore be sentenced to prison.

On Wednesday, the Attunda district court announced that the woman was convicted of murder and attempted murder. She is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Letters and notes among the evidence

The woman has said that she wanted to take her own life, which her injuries indicated.

Letters and notes written by herself were found in her home. According to the district court, the contents of the letters have shown that she not only wanted to take her own life but also the lives of her children, and that it is therefore clear that she is guilty of murder and attempted murder of her children.

– The children have been subjected to crime in their home, where they should have been safe. The adult to whom they have been entrusted for their care has subjected them to violence. As far as the son is concerned, there has been talk of a protracted sequence of events, with several frightening moments. The deed has meant severe suffering for him, says court president Malin Käll.

The defense: “Has diffuse memories”

The woman has denied the crime and during the trial also denied that she exposed the children to violence at all.

– Her attitude is that she denies the crime, that she had no intention of what is alleged and that she also has diffuse memories of the night, her lawyer Johan Ödlund has previously told SVT.

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